Kristyne McDaniel wrote:
> I like the wind farm idea. If our winds were higher and more consistent
> where we live I'd be doing that too. IMO, wind plus solar will be a great
> combination with more nuclear and clean coal. It is time for a lot more
> nuclear, wind, and solar.
> It is time we got off imported fossil fuels and lived within what we can
> produce right here in the USA, Canada, and Mexico.

I agree with you there, although those anti-nuclear folks have a fair 
question when they ask what we'll do with the waste.

> I also feel like NAFTA and CAFTA are in our best interests for the future.
> Keep the money in our own hemisphere, and make the whole region prosperous
> and safe. That's my wish for the future.

I disagree.  I want those dollars kept here in the USA.  Every native of 
his/her country should feel the same way:  help your own family/nation, 
and then when that's great, help those outside your family/nation.  It's 
like the drill they rehearse on airplanes:  affix your oxygen first 
before assisting the person/child next to you.

I guess that's why I'm labeled a protectionist.  I'm all for helping 
others...just not at the expense of my own people.

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