I thought of that, but they aren't dup records: he's adding the SRCE
column so the data in each query is different.

On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 03:21, Dave Crozier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Use "Union all" not union. The union on its own removes duplicate records.
> -----Original Message-----
> Of Sytze de Boer
> I'm trying to extract data from 3 seperate tables as follows
> Select date,stockcode,stktype,invnum,SUM(qty) ,sell,desc, "H" as SRCE From
> winhst  Where stktype=333 UNION ;
> Select date,stockcode,stktype,invnum,SUM(qty) ,sell,desc, "J" as SRCE From
> wintime Where stktype=333 UNION ;
> Select date,stockcode,stktype,invnum,SUM(qty) ,sell,desc, "I" as SRCE From
> wininvs  Where stktype=333 GROUP BY stockcode ORDER BY stockcode Into Table
> &myfile

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