On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 2:32 AM, Sytze de Boer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Folk, I'm stuck
> I'm trying to extract data from 3 seperate tables as follows
> Select date,stockcode,stktype,invnum,SUM(qty) ,sell,desc, "H" as SRCE From
> winhst  Where stktype=333 UNION ;
> Select date,stockcode,stktype,invnum,SUM(qty) ,sell,desc, "J" as SRCE From
> wintime Where stktype=333 UNION ;
> Select date,stockcode,stktype,invnum,SUM(qty) ,sell,desc, "I" as SRCE From
> wininvs  Where stktype=333 GROUP BY stockcode ORDER BY stockcode Into Table
> &myfile

What is it you are trying to end up with? Three records of SRCE J, H,
and I for each stockcode or only one?

Non-aggregating fields have undefined values. Drop them or use
something like MAX() to make them aggregating.

Finally, try moving the GROUP BY into each statement. The MSDN
language reference seems to imply that.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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