Oh Bollocks!
If you people have such a christian interest in babies life, then go and
offer to adopt (formal contract of course) any fetus that is about to be
aborted. You might even talk to your wives and get the fetus passed on
to her womb.
That is, if you are something more than loudmouths.

Leland F. Jackson, CPA wrote:
> Bob Calco wrote:
>>> Michael Madigan wrote:
>>>> No Christian would take money from Planned Parenthood.
>>> There are plenty of Christians that would be happy to take money from
>>> Planned Parenthood.  You seem to think you have a monopoly on God and
>>> the one and only Christian faith, LOL, but there are many Christian
>>> denominations, which result in many position on issues, even the
>>> abortion issue in which the Christian Bible provides very little
>>> guidance on question like when conception occurs.
>> "And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the
>> babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost...
>> 'For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the
>> babe leapt in my womb for joy.'" (Luke 1:41,44)
> Yes, this is a touching verse and the pregnancy here was very much 
> wanted for many many years, but what to do with those who have unwanted 
> pregnancies?
> I have talked about the mothers responsibility to a child brought to 
> terms with respect to providing food, cloth, housing, educate and love.  
> The one with the responsibility must be given the authority to carry out 
> the task; for, assigning someone the responsibility of a task without 
> the corresponding authority to carry it out is folly.  Therefore; if the 
> state is given the authority to force the mother by penalty of law to 
> carry her pregnancy to term, the state must assume the responsibility to 
> provide the child with food, clothing, shelter, education, and love 
> where the child is unwanted by the mother.
> If there is a question of whose life takes priority when the life of the 
> fetus threatens the life of the mother, I believe the mother's live 
> takes precedences.  Then there are many other touchy situations where 
> the life of the fetus, and the life of the mother, are somehow 
> conflicted, and the state seem ill equipped to handle this issue.  
> Therefore; I don't feel an ill equipped, uncaring, and in many ways 
> inhumane state has any business being envolved in the very personal 
> abortion issue.
> Regards,
> LelandJ
>> Yeah, that's a tough one. From the text I clearly can't tell if the babe is
>> a lifeless clump of cells still technically part of the woman's body, or a
>> unique living being with feelings. 
>> - Bob
>>> Regards,
>>> LelandJ

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