Nicholas Geti wrote:
> Governments can never go bankrupt. They just print more money.

Besides which we should correct a concept here. If govt. prints money
(inflation) it is not the rich who'll pay the party, they will certainly
not have their money in cash, and what they have they will convert fast.
It is the poor bloke who'll pay, 100% of what he earns will be paying
the inflation tax (yes, it is a tax) while maybe only 5% of what a rich
bloke makes will pay that tax (same as what happens with VAT).

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Leland Jackson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "ProFox Email List" <>
> Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2008 3:04 PM
> Subject: Re: [OT] How to determine if a market has hit THE bottom.
>> Having the USA government go out of business is a risky proposition;
>> since, an unknown will fill the power vacuum, and its hard to predict
>> how you and I might fare in the new environment, but the odds are we
>> wouldn't fare well.
>> Regards,
>> LelandJ
>> Pete Theisen wrote:
>>> Leland Jackson wrote:
>>>> First things first.  Having excessive deficit spending is irrelevant, if
>>>> the USA goes bankrupt.
>>> Hi Leland!
>>> So run up a huge debt and declare bankruptcy? The guys stuck with the
>>> bill are the richies, vast numbers of whom are foreign nationals.

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