On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 5:24 PM, Whil Hentzen
<list...@softwaremuscle.com> wrote:
> I've been asked to do a q&d install of an upgrade for a vertical app.
> The upgrade is going to consist of:
> 1. Running a VFP .APP from within the existing system to upgrade the
> data structures.
> 2. Installing a new EXE (VFP9)
> 3. Installing the VFP 9 runtimes.
> Given the structure of the system, looks like the user will have to do
> (1) manually. No big deal.
> I'm going to use InnoSetup for (2) and (3). The question is... where do
> I stuff the VFP 9 runtimes? Given that this will be running on 2000, XP
> and Vista, I have two choices:
> 1. Put the runtimes in the PF folder along with the EXE. This is the Q&D
> mechanism...
> 2. Put the runtimes 'where they belong' - Windows System - and make the
> user deal with UAC in Vista (they have to type in the admin password to
> get write access).
> "I think". I don't have Vista, so I'm not sure if my hypothesis for #2
> is correct. Anyone?
> Whil

You still miss the days of DOS don't you.  ;->

Why not script the installer to read the OS and follow the rules that pertain?

Why make this harder on everybody?

Run times belong where you stated.  Not data.  They call the folder
Program files don't they?

Data files go to your Company directed spot that is an OS specific
section.  Been that way for a long time.  My java based apps follow
the rules, so does FireFox.  Why do we as a group fight this every

So if you want to figure it out see how TB or FF puts it's data down
for you to use. Follow that pattern.

Last point is Admin rights for install.  Business is heads up on this
already.  If they enforce a policy they have a staff for you to deal
with.  The flip side is everyone is an Admin and we all know that
ain't right don't we?

Stephen Russell
Sr. Production Systems Programmer
First Horizon Bank
Memphis TN


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