Geoff Flight wrote:
> No matter how you redefine this philosophy it ends up looking like and excuse 
> for any behavior.
Now you are beginning to sound unfair. Doing the same things MadAgain
does when he engages. Please read my two posts (they are cited right
below), and enlighten us as to where I am redefining anything.
As for the "excuse" part, yes, it looks like an excuse for any behaviour
(IF there is a god).

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf Of 
> Ricardo Aráoz
> Sent: Sunday, 1 February 2009 10:09 AM
> To: ProFox Email List
> Subject: Re: [OT] Chaves warms to Obama after character reference from Castro
> Geoff Flight wrote:
>> < Not always so. I believe that if god exists, His wish is for me to be as
>> authentically me (the one he created) as possible. If I don't know if He
>> exists, or what his will is,  then it's because he does not WANT me to spend
>> time thinking about him, if I try to guess what he wants I'll probably mess
>> His things up.
>> So as you can see, the existence or not, of god will make NO difference in
>> my behaviour.>
>> Isn’t that the argument that can basically be summed as as 'nothing
>> matters'?  as a philosophy it is certainly lacking substance and direction.
> No Geoff, read it again. Where does it say "nothing matters!?
> On the contrary, many things matter to me. And, trying to be the most
> authentic "me", I make a big effort for them to matter more so.
> You seem to think that being who you really are is a bad thing. I say
> that depends on who you are. Speaking from MY experience, it is a great
> thing.

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