Sytze de Boer wrote:
> There's one thing I don't understand in all this.
> You are a programmer and wrote a module that worked for your client.
> They changed the environment (upgraded Office)
> So you get another job and opportunity to charge again. Simple.
> What's the complaint

Many would think that if it worked before, it should always work in the could add "if nothing changed" but of course in this
situation, something did change...MS dropped the DBF output option (for
no good reason I'd bet).  Man, I'd love to know who was responsible for
that one.  Did it really make the product better/lighter/faster/neater
by not having that output option?  File that one under the "New Coke"

Mike Babcock, MCP
MB Software Solutions, LLC
President, Chief Software Architect
twitter:  mbabcock16

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