Michael Madigan wrote:
> Mike,
> Almost all companies take Government money in some form.  Should companies 
> that sell to the Government also limit their CEO pay?

How about a rule that says the CEO cannot make more than 400x the lowest 
paid worker.  That might sound harsh, but c'mon...400x.  That's FOUR 
HUNDRED TIMES.  So in ONE DAY'S WAGE, the f*cking CEO makes more than 
Janitor Jim makes ALL F*CKING YEAR.  Say Janitor Jim makes $25,000 per 
year.  That means the CEO cannot make more than $10,000,000.  Now you 
and I both know that there are CEOs out there who are basically RAPING 
the system with their salaries that are much much higher than that.  And 
I cannot for the life of me understand why/how they can negotiate 
compensation "golden parachute" packages that allow them to profit 
HIGHLY when they f*ck up and get fired.  That's just plain insanity in 
the "good ol' boys club" of corporate America.  Total bs, imo.

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