On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 4:29 PM, MB Software Solutions,
LLC<mbsoftwaresoluti...@mbsoftwaresolutions.com> wrote:
> Stephen Russell wrote:
>> That level is high risk and high reward.  Why do you think that the
>> reward should be average?
>> Hind sight is always 20/20, sometimes better ;->
>> You don't think that someone who gets to that level without an intense
>> background check?  When the proof of their prior work is vailidated
>> and they are running the company they are responsible for not only the
>> sales but the inventory and HR.  If one of those legs of the tripod
>> goes unstable they could all suffer.
> Using your logic, the President of the United States should make the
> most money.  Isn't his job above all else?  Or is his not as important
> as the Coca-Cola CEO.  I can assure you that the Coke CEO is paid 8
> figures, and the POTUS is 6 figures.

The perks out weight the salary.  Free residence know world wide.
Security detail bar none.  token plane when needed.  Secondary
residences for emergency need world wide.

If you did the "value" of those perks for tax purposes you might just
find that his pay is higher.


Stephen Russell
Sr. Production Systems Programmer
SQL Server DBA
Web and Winform Development
Independent Contractor
Memphis TN


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