On 04/08/2010 03:05 PM, Ricardo Aráoz wrote:
> Leland F. Jackson, CPA wrote:
>>> i) Dimwit here implies left=abortion. With that realistic conception of
>>> politics one understands where the rest of his stupid political remarks
>>> come from.
>> Yes, Michael seemed to be implying the "LEFT" supports abortion, which
>> is not only not true, but fails to speak to the real issue of who has
>> the choice; state or individual person.
> Where did I suggest I was talking about Michael? :-P
>>> ii) God grants us free will, that means that you are ALLOWED BY GOD to
>>> sin, kill babies or whatever. He'll send you to hell later (unless you
>>> repent), but you are allowed to do it (of course this stems from god's
>>> omnipotence, you can do nothing without god knowing and allowing).
>> There are a few matters you didn't touch on like at what point does life
>> begin during a pregnacy, what circumstance, like rape, incess, or danger
>> to life of mother, create exceptions to the rules, and where do we go to
>> find authoritative evidence where God has specifically spoken to the
>> issue of abortion, and whether God forbids it or no.
> I seem to remember once in this list talking about the 1st commandment
> "Thou shalt not kill", me saying that you could not be a soldier and
> christian at the same time and Minimus (I think) telling me the original
> word referred to killing not sanctioned by society or something similar.
> So if there was a law allowing abortion, according to Minimus having an
> abortion would not go against the 1st commandment, therefore not a sin. ;c)
>>>    So
>>> obviously god has nothing to say about how the state should punish or
>>> not abortion, nothing to do with religion, all to do with what is good
>>> for society as a whole.
>> The issue of abortion seems to revolve around religion, regardless of
>> whether the individual or state makes the choice, (eg free choice or not
>> free choice).  Abortion could be a societal issue as well, if, for
>> example, abortion were needed to control population growth, or if
>> societal efforts to control the crime of abortion, including housing the
>> guilty parties in a penal system, became to complex and expensive.
> Not merely so. In this country higher class women have no issue with
> abortion allowance or not. They can always go to an expensive clinic or
> travel abroad, and have an abortion without concern for the law. Problem
> here is that low income women who get pregnant and cannot raise the
> child have no way out and end up doing it themselves or going to some
> not very professional places to have an abortion performed. Obviously we
> have a high mortality between these women. If you look it from the POV
> of society, it is not convenient. If you look at it from the POV of
> religion, instead of one death you have two, and besides the mother
> dying in sin without opportunity to repent. Whereas if society allowed
> abortion, religion could always convince the woman not to perform it,
> and in case that was not possible, try and save the woman's soul later
> by urging her to repent. The babies soul from the POV of religion is
> already saved. And if we consider religion is here to save souls and not
> bodies........

I agree that a law making abortion illegal would become the problem, 
instead of helping the individual woman.  I think the religious 
community is reluctant to drop the issue; because, its so easy to play 
on societies sentiments surrounding the abortion issue to gain advantage 
politically, financially, or to attack enemies by portraying them as 
supporter of abortion.



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