|| I'm not saying it's similar nor dissimilar, I'm saying the equation "not
penalize = support" is really stupid.||

actually what YOU are saying is quite silly. In very general terms we DO
support what we fail to restrict or penalise and this is even more true in
openly controversial issues. In minor issues you are partly correct but in
major over-arching issues you are very wrong. 

-----Original Message-----
From: profox-boun...@leafe.com [mailto:profox-boun...@leafe.com] On Behalf
Of Ricardo Aráoz
Sent: Friday, 9 April 2010 8:03 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] You picked a fine time to lead us...

geoff wrote:
> Your post reeks of superiority and in fact, dimwittedness. The majority of
> support for abortion DOES come from the left, like it or not. Just not
> exclusively.
Let's see, you say the *majority* of support, so some support comes from
the right and center. And you must surely admit there are catholics in
the *left*, for example all the christian democracy parties all over
Europe. Yet you support the following syllogism : "not all A are B, and
not all B are A therefore A equals B" or "not every*left* is in favour
of non penalizing abortion and not every non penalizer is from the
*left* therefore left=abortion". Man! That IS good use of logic. I guess
our Jesuit friends here will be having a stroke at such stupidity.

>  And a failure to penalise a act such as abortion IS not
> dissimilar to support.  The connection isnt 100% but not is it 0%. Only a
> dimwit woudl say EITHER extreme.
I'm not saying it's similar nor dissimilar, I'm saying the equation "not
penalize = support" is really stupid.
Can you perceive the difference?
BTW you should be more concerned about people's souls than about their
bodies. I think you are not paying enough attention to the spirit.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: profox-boun...@leafe.com [mailto:profox-boun...@leafe.com] On Behalf
> Of Ricardo Aráoz
> Sent: Friday, 9 April 2010 6:03 AM
> To: ProFox Email List
> Subject: Re: [OT] You picked a fine time to lead us...
> Leland F. Jackson, CPA wrote:
>> I agree that a law making abortion illegal would become the problem, 
>> instead of helping the individual woman.  I think the religious 
>> community is reluctant to drop the issue; because, its so easy to play 
>> on societies sentiments surrounding the abortion issue to gain advantage 
>> politically, financially, or to attack enemies by portraying them as 
>> supporter of abortion.
> Yup!
> Dimwit fodder :
>         a) left = abortion
>         b) not penalize = support
> What can you do, there's a fool born every minute.

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