- - -
It is a truly tragic development that in America -- a country founded
on the principle of the inviolability of private property -- half of
us prey on the substance of our neighbors.

A striking 37-second video moment made it to the internet last week.

[video clip]

It was taken at a demonstration of public-sector unions in
Springfield, Illinois marching in support of the proposed tax
increases in that state. The clip features a public school teacher, an
African-American lady, who carries a couple of placards while
shouting: "Where is the money? Where is the money? ... Give up the
bucks! Where is the cash? We need it fast!"

The video is an eye-opening illustration of what taxes are ultimately
about: Americans helping themselves to the property of other

According to the latest data, almost half of all Americans pay no
federal income tax. Commenting on this fact, nationally syndicated
columnist Phyllis Schlafly recently observed that April 15 "now
divides Americans into two almost equal classes: those who pay for the
services provided by government and the freeloaders."

"Freeloaders" is not, however, an altogether fitting term, since
freeloaders merely take advantage of propitious circumstances. In a
free-for-all democracy, on the other hand, many non-payers or net
tax-consumers purposefully vote for those who promise to give them of
their neighbors' substance. What these people do is, in effect,
stealing. They are thieves, and it matters not that the theft in which
they participate is state-sanctioned. After all, what name other than
"thieves" can describe those who forcefully deprive others of their
money in order to enrich themselves?

If the lady in the video wants to enrich herself at others' expense,
she should be forced to do it the old fashioned way: by breaking into
someone's house. Sadly, these days, she does not have to summon even
that much initiative. She can simply vote for a politician who will do
the dirty deed for her. If a thief gets caught with a couple of
thousand dollars' worth of stolen goods, the chances are that he will
end up in jail, humiliated and despised. Those, however, who vote for
politicians who deprive productive citizens of tens of thousands of
dollars every year never despise themselves. Quite the contrary: They
consider themselves progressive, socially conscious, or enlightened.
- - -

The income tax is immoral, and our Founders invented a better way to
provide for the federal government's funding.

Quoth Abraham Lincoln: "The tariff is the cheaper system. By the
direct tax system, assessors and collectors must be sent forth across
the land like a swarm of Egyptian locusts. By the tariff system, the
man who contents himself to live on the products of his country pays
no tax at all."

- Publius


"It ought never to be forgotten, that a firm union of this country,
under an efficient government, will probably be an increasing object
of jealousy to more than one nation of Europe; and that enterprises to
subvert it will sometimes originate in the intrigues of foreign
powers, and will seldom fail to be patronized and abetted by some of
them. Its preservation, therefore ought in no case that can be
avoided, to be committed to the guardianship of any but those whose
situation will uniformly beget an immediate interest in the faithful
and vigilant performance of the trust." [Federalist Papers #59]

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