Immediately after writing this I realized the - is also unnecessary -
changing >./ to <./

This makes it obvious that all I really need, in this case, is to pick
the next closest point. I'm a little nervous about this (because of
symmetry) but it seems to work. I've not attempted to discover why
symmetry is not a problem.

NB. pick next corner based on closeness:
choose=: cdr #~ [: (= <./) rms@(cdr -"1 {:@:car)


On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 7:27 PM, Raul Miller <> wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 5:56 PM, Don Kelly <> wrote:
>>> And that's what this -@^.@rms bit is doing - finding that angle.
>> What you have noted threw me (NB.root mean square)isn't that but is a root
>> (sum of squares) -really a 'distance'.
>> (on a plane for the white-black point fixed) between points - apparently
>> angles in this case (although the original example gave
>> a magnitude rather than an angle)
> Yes.  That phrase "rms" was one I picked up in high school electronics
> class. But wikipedia suggests that it has some general use:
>> and you are then getting the log of 1/this distance.
>> However, not having ground through your work (and maybe not yet competent
>> enough in J to do so) I am missing a lot
>> Is there a need to use -^. or -log rather than the raw "distance"?
> Good question.
> Experimenting: the - is necessary and the ^. is not necessary. (I do
> not get a hexagon without the minus, I do get a hexagon without the
> ^.).
>>> As for meaning - meaning is something we assign to observations.
>>> Whether it's useful or not depends on our tastes and goals (and this
>>> can involve a fair bit of experimentalism and thought sometimes).
>> Agreed - and a curse/benefit of J is that there are so many different ways
>> to handle a problem
> It's not just J - this is a characteristic of mathematics and of human
> thought. (And of other programming languages - though their
> vocabularies facilitate different kinds of conversations.)
> A nice thing about J is that some experiments become easy and it's
> compact enough that conversations about code samples do not
> necessarily require too much supporting effort..
> Thanks,
> --
> Raul
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