1 / (a + b i) = (a - b i) / ((a + b i) (a - b i)) = (a - b i) / (a^2 + b ^2)

conjugate (a + b i ) = a - b i

Your example:

((];;)+) _3j4
((];*)+) _3j4
((]%*)+) _3j4

On 17-12-13 09:36, Linda Alvord wrote:
So now I realize I don't understand how to get the reciprocal of a complex

    % _3j4


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:programming-boun...@forums.jsoftware.com] On Behalf Of Linda Alvord
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 3:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Jprogramming] A complex question?

Is this a true statement?

    NB. Taking the logarithm of the reciprocal of a
    NB. number changes the sign of all parts of the logarithm
    NB. the original number.
N=: 4 2 1 0 0.5 0.25 ^. N
1.38629 0.693147 0 __ _0.693147 _1.38629
]R=: % N
0.25 0.5 1 _ 2 4
^. R
_1.38629 _0.693147 0 _ 0.693147 1.38629
C=:1j1 _1j1 _1j_1 1j_1 ^.C
0.346574j0.785398 0.346574j2.35619 0.346574j_2.35619 0.346574j_0.785398
]RC=: % C
0.5j_0.5 _0.5j_0.5 _0.5j0.5 0.5j0.5
^. RC
_0.346574j_0.785398 _0.346574j_2.35619 _0.346574j2.35619 _0.346574j0.785398

[mailto:programming-boun...@forums.jsoftware.com] On Behalf Of km
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2013 10:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Jprogramming] A complex question?

Off topic: I now know that taking the logarithm of the reciprocal of a
non-zero real number changes the sign of the real part of the logarithm of
the original number:

    csrp NB. change sign of real part
(1r2 * -@(+ +) + (- +))"0
    csrp 1j2 _3j_4
_1j2 3j_4
    ]rr =: 1 % 4 2 1 0.5 0.25  NB. non-zero reals
0.25 0.5 1 2 4
    (^.@% -: csrp@^.) rr
    (^.@% -: csrp@^.) -rr


Sent from my iPad

On Dec 16, 2013, at 7:02 PM, "Dan Bron"<j...@bron.us>  wrote:

Not sure.  I suppose instead of


we could write:


or even:

    ^.@(+/&.:(*: :. (^&_0.5) ) )

But I'm not sure what this buys us.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:programming-boun...@forums.jsoftware.com] On Behalf Of km
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2013 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Jprogramming] A complex question?

Dan, I haven't been following this thread, but know that minus the
logarithm of a positive number is the logarithm of the reciprocal.  Is
that relevant?
   ^. 1r4 1r2 1 2 4
_1.38629 _0.693147 0 0.693147 1.38629


Sent from my iPad

On Dec 16, 2013, at 3:42 PM, Dan Bron<j...@bron.us>  wrote:

Raul wrote:
Is there a better way of doing this?
  {: +. r.inv j./1 1
Marshall responded:
You can also use (+/&.:*:) in place of |@j./ , leaving you with
Raul wrote:
Experimenting: the - is necessary and the ^. is not necessary.
(I do not get a hexagon without the minus, I do get a hexagon
without the ^.).
Immediately after writing this I realized the - is also unnecessary
- changing >./ to <./
What I love is that through some simple trig and a few experiments,
we got from {:@+.@(r.^:_1)@(j./) to +/&.:*: .

I suppose I find this particularly gratifying because I spent some
time trying to restate Raul's phrase in terms of simple arithmetic
operations, staying entirely in the real domain, and I eventually
reproduced Marshall's verb.  Having spent so much time "simplifying",
when I got the final, irreducible result, I wondered at the need for
-@^. , and what its physical interpretation was.

Raul's original verb could be rendered in English as "the length
component of a polar coordinate (initially specified in Cartesian
terms)".  Why should that length be expressed as the negative log of
a distance?  Why not, as Don put it, "the raw distance"?

I know there are subtle and beautiful connections between the
trigonometric and exponential functions, and the e hidden in r. is
one expression of that.  But I'm still not seeing the fundamental
In other words, I wasn't surprised with the -@^. disappeared in
Raul's use case; I might've been more surprised if it'd persisted.

Anyone want to help me see it? Maybe the best illustration would be a
concrete use case where the -@^. isn't superfluous - one where where
it is not only necessary, but inevitable?

That is, a use case where -@^. has obvious physical interpretation,
when applied to the distance. Ideally one like Raul's, which
ultimately didn't involve complex numbers (i.e. a real-valued binary
[dyadic] operation on real numbers).


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Met vriendelijke groet,
@@i = Arie Groeneveld

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