On Feb 4, 2014, at 5:29 AM, Raul Miller <rauldmil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Of course you will also get an error if you try to combine one of
> those with another array of the wrong shape. Error conditions are one
> of the cases where I like getting the shapes of arrays.

Sometimes the zeros can affect the result even though they can't be seen in the 

   $ ( 0 2 3 $ 4), 5 7 $5
1 5 7
   $ (0 0 2 3 $ 4), 5 7 $5
1 1 5 7
I am looking for ways to give the programmer some 'leverage' into these 
situations by the ways that shapes are displayed
> One of my favorite tricks, if I am getting an error from an expression
> that seems to be due to of a lack of shapeliness (like a length error)
> is to replace the last verb with $ (or a variation like ;&$ or $&.> or
> ;&($ L:0) or whatever else).
> And that brings up another issue related to finding the shapes of
> things: the shape inside a box will typically be different from the
> shape outside the box (these shapes are "independent" of each other).

Yep, I am working on boxes at the moment and it is a challenge for display 
while retaining the independent shape of contents.

> Also, the shape of transitory arrays (intermediate results) can also
> matter. So familiarity with debugging tools and techniques can be
> crucial - sometimes even more important for coding than familiarity
> with shape and rank issues. (These are not, properly speaking, a part
> of the language itself so much as they are a part of the environment.
> But that's something of a technicality.)

No doubt. Display can't replace knowing how rank and shape work. I am hoping 
that a little better way of displaying results will make it easier to see the 
differences and may emphasize the importance of understanding the concepts to 
those learning the language - that would be me!

Cheers, bob

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