Can you attach a complete script for demo? Thanks

On Tue, Dec 1, 2020, 6:42 PM Thomas McGuire <> wrote:

> Here is my code again so it stays within thread context
> NB. sdlbmpevtex.ijs - example of setting up a bitmap displayed in window
> NB. under SDL with QUIT event processing
> load '~/j902-user/temp/sdl2.ijs'
> sdlbmpevtex =: 3 : 0
> NB. to handle events SDL needs 56 bytes of space to fit the
> NB. event into. This is passed as a pointer. Defined globally
> NB. needs to be freed when you quit the application
> NB. Event loop variables
> ev =: mema 56
> NB. initialized pointer variables to be used with SDL2 dll
> window =: null
> bmpsurf =: null
> texture =: null
> renderer =: null
> NB. calls to setup SDL2 and create a window with bitmap
> window =: {. SDL_CreateWindow 'SDL2 from J';
> if. window = null do.
> smoutput 'ERROR: failed to create window'
> return.
> end.
> renderer =: {. SDL_CreateRenderer window; _1; 0
> if. renderer = null do.
> smoutput 'ERROR: failed to create renderer'
> return.
> end.
> SDL_SetRenderDrawColor renderer; 0; 0; 0; 255
> SDL_RenderClear<renderer
> NB. The SDL2 API call SDL_LoadBMP is a macro of 2 lower level
> NB. calls. It is created as a Jfunction in this
> bmpsurf=: {. SDL_LoadBMP
> <'/Applications/j902/addons/graphics/bmp/toucan.bmp'
> if. bmpsurf = null do.
> smoutput 'ERROR: failed to load bitmap'
> return.
> end.
> texture =: {. SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface renderer; <bmpsurf
> if. texture = null do.
> smoutput 'ERROR: failed to create texture'
> return.
> end.
> SDL_FreeSurface <bmpsurf
> bmpsurf =: null
> NB. Copy the texture to the renderer and present to the window
> SDL_RenderCopy renderer;texture;null;<null
> SDL_RenderPresent<renderer
> NB. set timer handler and start timer
> sys_timer_z_ =: sdleventhdlr_base_
> wd 'timer 1000'
> )
> sdleventhdlr =: 3 : 0
> NB. Look for a quit event and call sdlfullquit and exit
> NB. Stop the timer while we process (it avoid forever errors)
> wd 'timer 0'
> while. 0 ~: SDL_PollEvent <<ev do.
> evtype =: {. 0 (3!:4) memr ev,0,32
> NB. smoutput 'evtype = ',":evtype
> if. evtype = SDL_QUIT do.
> NB. quit and return timer stays off
> sdlfullquit''
> return.
> end.
> end.
> NB. restart the timer
> wd 'timer 1000'
> )
> sdlfullquit =: 3 : 0
> SDL_DestroyTexture<texture
> texture =: null
> SDL_DestroyRenderer<renderer
> renderer =: null
> SDL_DestroyWindow <window
> window =: null
> SDL_Quit ''
> memf ev
> ev =: 0
> )
> > On Dec 1, 2020, at 5:33 AM, emacstheviking <> wrote:
> >
> > For me, I have settled for being able to stop the event loop, edit the
> code
> > then resume the event loop where I left off and that's working well for
> me.
> >
> > basically I have u (for UI!) -routines
> >  uprep''
> >  ugo 0 means when SDL_QUIT is received, leave everything up, ugo 1 will
> > call sdl_destroywindow and sdl_quit
> >  uend''
> >
> > and some basic run./stop code:
> >
> > uend=: 3 : 0
> > sdl_freesurface sfc
> > sdl_destroyrenderer^:(appr>0) appr
> > sdl_destroywindow^:(appw>0) appw
> > sdl_quit''
> > smoutput 'sdl shut down'
> > 'appw appr'=: 0 0
> > )
> >
> > ugo =: 3 : 0
> > urun''
> > uend^:y ''
> > )
> >
> > On Tue, 1 Dec 2020 at 07:25, Thomas McGuire <>
> wrote:
> >
> >> I was glad to see some renewed interest in SDL2 and thank you to Raul
> >> Miller for the suggestion of setting timer to run an event loop. I
> haven’t
> >> had the chance to try Bill Lam’s suggestion of creating a tight event
> loop
> >> under Jconsole yet.
> >>
> >> I have attached my code for a simple example that:
> >> opens a window,
> >> displays the toucan.bmp that comes with J,
> >> and then allows you to quit by pressing the close window control on the
> >> displayed window.
> >>
> >> The only gotcha at this point is that a subsequent rerun under Jqt, the
> >> event system in SDL2 doesn’t register any events. So the app will hang
> and
> >> the window stays open. I have to quit Jqt entirely and restart to rerun
> the
> >> application properly. This is minimally annoying from a debugging stand
> >> point. Jqt comes back up quickly enough after a shut down and coding
> using
> >> a dll library can cause its share of hanging the entire Jqt interface
> when
> >> mistakes in the dll wrapper are made.
> >>
> >> I presume I am running into threading/Jqt state issues or perhaps the
> call
> >> to SDL_Quit is not running like I think it is. At any rate for my
> purposes
> >> I am pretty happy with the result. It has been enhancing my
> understanding
> >> of Graphics/Game programming issues while I continue to work in J.
> >>
> >>
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> >>
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