
I also really like the current hangout experience. Mostly because it only
requires a browser and is integrated already in the environments and
devices I personally use.

It is clear that most people's preference is dependent on their own
preferred way of working and environment (politics or not). It's hard to
reach a consensus that everyone is happy with. That said, the chat-room has
unfortunately been "forgotten" lately (at least by me) and new developers
in our team has not been made aware of it's existence either. That latter
part is on us, but let's hope that this discussion will shed some needed
light on it again and get developers to join up and help each other.


On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 8:56 AM, Alexander Wagner <a.wag...@fz-juelich.de>wrote:

> On 29.10.2013 03:51, Tibor Simko wrote:
> Hi!
>  in my case I simply find the current Hangout experience flawless.
>> It is a good experience indeed,
> So, where do you hang out and I'll join in. I'll have to leave this
> "other browser" open, but well.
> <politics>
> However, personally, I strongly prefer /open/ in all regards. Open
> Access, Open Source, Open Protocols... Openness is the foundation of the
> Net. I don't like to throw that away and I do not understand why people
> throw our Net at G, M$, F and the like. I do not see a point in giving
> up the free Internet to company control just "cause I'd have to read the
> manual" to keep it free. So I really don't like  nor use unsocial
> networks at all.
> </politics>
>  however there is always room for
>> improvement, for instance in the client configurability department.
> Well its passed to G, M$, F whoever. That where it ends. It's not in
> your control anymore. Take what they give you and pay for it.
>  For me, Jabber integrates better
> Agree. Though not on emacs as you ;)
>  in my Emacs oriented workflow.  See an
>> incoming IM, press a key, answer message, press the key again, and
>> voilà, back in the original work buffer.  The Hangout client requires a
>> bit more key presses and/or mouse movements...
> Agree.
> In any case its a matter of taste. We tend to use hangouts for video
> conferencing however I'd prefer something more open there as well. (For
> what it's worth German DFNs configs were not understood even by our
> geeks. So this has clearly some "room for improvement". Evo went
> commercial and doesn't really like guests anymore, so...)
> The main point for me in a chat is to have a low footprint and fast way
> to communicate. Our experience at the hgf-project with Jabber is pretty
> good. Lengthy things to the list, short stuff in chat.
> (BTW: Sam, I can't imagine that a geek like you has trouble setting up a
> Jabber client ;) Anyway, I miss you in the chat room. Was always very
> helpful and fast.)
> --
> Kind regards,
> Alexander Wagner
> Subject Specialist
> Central Library
> 52425 Juelich
> mail : a.wag...@fz-juelich.de
> phone: +49 2461 61-1586
> Fax  : +49 2461 61-6103
> www.fz-juelich.de/zb/DE/zb-fi
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> Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
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