Coba pikirkan sejenak hal2 di bawah ini yg tertulis dlm kitab suci anda dan 
juga dlm  ahadeeth.

1. Nabi Junjungan ketika ditanya mengapa anak perempuan hanya mendpt setengah 
warisan dari anak laki2, dijawabnya bukankah perempuan itu  sederajat di bawah 
2. Anjing, keledai dan perempuan yg lewat ketika seorang Muslim sedang shalat 
membatalkan shalat tsb.
3. Kesaksian seorang perempuan dianggap setengah valuenya dari kesaksian laki2. 
Tanpa saksi laki2 seorng perempuan tidak diperbolehkan memberikan kesaksian di 
4. Seorang suami berhak memukul bininya yg berani menjawab, tidak mau ditiduri. 
Kalau perlu dan ini tentunya relatif seorang bini boleh dikucilkan di kamar 
sampai ajal menjemput,
5. Laki2 yg masuk janna dijanjikan 72 bidadari yg selalu kembali perawan. 
Perempuan yg masuk sorga tidak dijanjikan apa2: tapi boleh nonton suaminya, 
abangnya, ayahnya dilayani oleh 72 bidadari. Eh, di sorga Muslim yg berminat 
juga disediakan pemuda ganteng yg belum pernah dijamah laki2 lain.
6. Bini2 adalah spt ladang, bisa dikerjain kapan dan di mana saja - termasuk 
ketika naik onta.
7. Di dunia laki2 boleh kawin sampai 4 orang bini. Perempuan tidak boleh kawin 
lebih dari satu suami. Ini mrpkn perlindungan!
8. Sampai hari ini perempuan dianggap tanpa daya di banyak negara Islami. 
Mereka tidak boleh sekolah, tidak boleh bekerja, tidak boleh nyetir mobil, 
tidak boleh keluar sendirian, tidak boleh minta paspor tanpa didampingin bapak 
atau suami, dst. dsb.

Masih banyak lagi bukti2 bhw Islam melecehkan martabat kaum perempuan. Tetapi 
seperti biasa Muslim dg gagah mengatakan kesemuanya ini untuk melindungi kaum 
perempuan. Dari siapa, I wonder?


 From: Roman Proteus <>
To: Proletar <> 
Sent: Friday, 11 January 2013 9:11 AM
Subject: Omongan gabriella kayak kentut Re: [proletar] Re: ogah tiru belanda? 
tirulah swedia

Dungu banget bilang perempuan bagi muslim dianggap hina 

Dasar lonte asal jeplak 

-----Original Message----- 
From: Gabriella Rantau> 
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2013 07:01:31 
Subject: Re: [proletar] Re: ogah tiru belanda? tirulah swedia 

Di setiap masyarakat selalu saja ada orang yg melakukan kejahatan termasuk 
pemerkosaan. Di hampir semua masyarakat perilaku sedemikian dianggap kejahatan 
dan ketika pelakunya tertangkap, hukumannya cukup berat. 

Hanya di masyarakat Islami yg fanatik, tindak pemerkosaan perempuan sering 
tidak dianggap kejahatan. Berbagai dalih pelecehan martabat kaum perempuan 
dipakai untuk menyalahkan si korban pemerkosaan. Yg sering didengungkan oleh 
mereka ialah bhw perempuan yg tidak berburqa minta diperkosa. Jelas ini 
pemikiran dungu dan penuh kedengkian. Mereka lupa bhw kalau seandainya anak 
perempuan mereka sendiri karena tidak berburqa diperkosa orang lain, mereka 
akan marah. But on the other hand they might even punish their own flesh and 
blood for not adhering to the burqa rule! 

Pikiran sedemikian menunjukkan bhw (i) laki2 spt ini tidak ada conscience, 
tidak ada rasa bersalah apalagi berdosa memperkosa perempuan. (ii) Mereka ini 
sama sekali tidak mempunyai kontrol thdp their base desires, (iii) Sayangnya 
mereka mempergunakan dalih Al Qur'an mengenai keharusan perempuan menutupi 
awrah mereka, (iv) Kaum peempuan di masyarakat sedemikian dianggap begitu hina 
dlm masyarakat, budaya, hukum dan agama mereka! 


From: johny_indon> 
Sent: Thursday, 10 January 2013 10:20 PM 
Subject: [proletar] Re: ogah tiru belanda? tirulah swedia 


satu dari empat laki2 afrika selatan mengaku pernah melakukan perkosaan. 
delapan dari sepuluh penduduk afrika selatan beragama kresten. 

hopefully item abu and gaby can do the math. 

--- In, "ajeg"  wrote: 
> Ingat motto hiperbola si ustad selangkangan itu? 
> Nah, yang ini buat nambah pengetahuan ustad selangkangan 
> al mukaromah uplik hadjar privacy ungu. 
> 14 September 2012 Last updated at 23:37 GMT 
> Sweden's rape rate under the spotlight 
> By Ruth Alexander BBC News 
> The Julian Assange extradition case has put Sweden's relatively high 
> incidence of rape under the spotlight. But can such statistics be 
> reliably compared from one country to another? 
> Which two countries are the kidnapping capitals of the world? 
> Australia and Canada. 
> Official figures from the United Nations show that there were 17 
> kidnaps per 100,000 people in Australia in 2010 and 12.7 in Canada. 
> That compares with only 0.6 in Colombia and 1.1 in Mexico. 
> So why haven't we heard any of these horror stories? Are people being 
> grabbed off the street in Sydney and Toronto, while the world turns a 
> blind eye? 
> No, the high numbers of kidnapping cases in these two countries are 
> explained by the fact that parental disputes over child custody are 
> included in the figures. 
> If one parent takes a child for the weekend, and the other parent 
> objects and calls the police, the incident will be recorded as a 
> kidnapping, according to Enrico Bisogno, a statistician with the 
> United Nations. 
> Comparing crime rates across countries is fraught with difficulties - 
> this is well known among criminologists and statisticians, less so 
> among journalists and commentators. 
> Sweden has the highest rape rate in Europe, author Naomi Wolf said on 
> the BBC's Newsnight programme recently. She was commenting on the 
> case of Julian Assange, the Wikileaks founder who is fighting 
> extradition from the UK to Sweden over rape and sexual assault 
> allegations that he denies. 
> Is it true? Yes. The Swedish police recorded the highest number of 
> offences - about 63 per 100,000 inhabitants - of any force in Europe, 
> in 2010. The second-highest in the world. 
> This was three times higher than the number of cases in the same year 
> in Sweden's next-door neighbour, Norway, and twice the rate in the 
> United States and the UK. It was more than 30 times the number in 
> India, which recorded about two offences per 100,000 people. 
> On the face of it, it would seem Sweden is a much more dangerous 
> place than these other countries. 
> But that is a misconception, according to Klara Selin, a sociologist 
> at the National Council for Crime Prevention in Stockholm. She says 
> you cannot compare countries' records, because police procedures and 
> legal definitions vary widely. 
> "In Sweden there has been this ambition explicitly to record every case of 
> sexual violence separately, to make it visible in the statistics," she says. 
> "So, for instance, when a woman comes to the police and she says my 
> husband or my fiance raped me almost every day during the last year, 
> the police have to record each of these events, which might be more 
> than 300 events. In many other countries it would just be one record 
> - one victim, one type of crime, one record." 
> The thing is, the number of reported rapes has been going up in 
> Sweden - it's almost trebled in just the last seven years. In 2003, 
> about 2,200 offences were reported by the police, compared to nearly 
> 6,000 in 2010. 
> So something's going on. 
> But Klara Selin says the statistics don't represent a major crime epidemic, 
> rather a shift in attitudes. The public debate about this sort of crime in 
> Sweden over the past two decades has had the effect of raising awareness, she 
> says, and encouraging women to go to the police if they have been attacked. 
> The police have also made efforts to improve their handling of cases, 
> she suggests, though she doesn't deny that there has been some real 
> increase in the number of attacks taking place - a concern also 
> outlined in an Amnesty International report in 2010. 
> "There might also be some increase in actual crime because of 
> societal changes. Due to the internet, for example, it's much easier 
> these days to meet somebody, just the same evening if you want to. 
> Also, alcohol consumption has increased quite a lot during this 
> period. 
> "But the major explanation is partly that people go to the police 
> more often, but also the fact that in 2005 there has been reform in 
> the sex crime legislation, which made the legal definition of rape 
> much wider than before." 
> The change in law meant that cases where the victim was asleep or 
> intoxicated are now included in the figures. Previously they'd been 
> recorded as another category of crime. 
> So an on-the-face-of-it international comparison of rape statistics 
> can be misleading. 
> Botswana has the highest rate of recorded attacks - 92.9 per 100,000 
> people - but a total of 63 countries don't submit any statistics, 
> including South Africa, where a survey three years ago showed that 
> one in four men questioned admitted to rape. 
> In 2010, an Amnesty International report highlighted that sexual 
> violence happens in every single country, and yet the official 
> figures show that some countries like Hong Kong and Mongolia have 
> zero cases reported. 
> Evidently, women in some countries are much less likely to report an 
> attack than in others and are much less likely to have their 
> complaint recorded. 
> UN statistician Enrico Bisogno says surveys suggest that as few as 
> one in 10 cases are ever reported to the police, in many countries. 
> "We often present the situation as kind of an iceberg where really 
> what we can see is just the tip while the rest is below the sea 
> level. It remains below the radar of the law enforcement agencies," 
> he says. 
> Naomi Wolf has also written that Sweden has the lowest conviction 
> rate in Europe. 
> She was relying on statistics from a nine-year-old report, which 
> calculated percentage conviction rates based on the number of 
> offences recorded by the police and the number of convictions. But 
> this is a problematic way of analysing statistics, as several 
> offences could be committed by one person. 
> The United Nations holds official statistics on the number of 
> convictions for rape per 100,000 people and actually, by that 
> measure, Sweden has the highest number of convictions per capita in 
> Europe, bar Russia. In 2010, 3.7 convictions were achieved per 
> 100,000 population. 
> Though it's still the case, as Wolf pointed out to the BBC, that 
> women in Sweden report a high number of offences - and only a small 
> number of rapists are punished. 
> So there's a lot that official statistics don't tell us. They 
> certainly don't reveal the real number of rapes that happen in 
> Sweden, or any other country. And they don't give a clear view of 
> which countries have worse crime rates than others. 
> Rape is particularly complex, but you'd think it would be 
> straightforward to analyse murder rates across different countries - 
> just count up the dead bodies, and compare and contrast. 
> If only, says Enrico Bisogno. "For example, if I punch somebody and 
> the person eventually dies, some countries can consider that as an 
> intentional murder, others as a manslaughter. Or in some countries, 
> dowry killings are coded separately because there is separate 
> legislation." 
> What's more, a comparison of murder rates between developed and less 
> developed countries may tell you as much about health as crime 
> levels, according to Professor Chris Lewis, a criminologist from 
> Portsmouth University in the UK. 
> The statistics are to some unknown degree complicated by the fact 
> that you're more likely to survive an attack in a town where you're 
> found quickly and taken to a hospital that's well-equipped. 
> \ 

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