Ballast Yo yang dungu kayak anjing tentu saja tidak bisa membantah apa yang 
dikatakan oleh Gabriella Rantau...

Lalu dia pindah gawang sembari cuap-cuap kayak nonok bebek yang baru dientotin 
monyet bonobo, sekear pamer isi otaknya yang sudah rusak dan jadi bukuk, nista 
lagi menjijikkan..

--- In,  wrote:
> tabir misteri keberhasilan kudeta kapten itu akhirnya terkuak,
> saat serta merta perancis memborbardir mali.
> mengherankan mali bisa membuat perancis datang lagi.
> apakah kolonialisme modern datang lagi?
> ada apa di mali?
> masih kurang miskinkah mali oleh kolonialisme ?
> sejarah mali ternyata memperlihatkan kekayaan atas barang tambang.
> negeri gurun yg hitam itu tetap saja mengundang liur kolonialism baru.
> jauh2 sebelum kolonialisme itu, mali bahkan pernah mengemparkan dgn epik 
> perjalan haji.
> ini pelajaran bagi indonesia,
> bhw pbb dan ham sesungguhnya tidak benar-benar ada.
> bisa saja kolonialsme kembali menerpa indonesia.
> penjilat kolonialis dan pemecah belah bangsa bisa lewat mana saja...
> --- On Sat, 2/2/13, Gabriella Rantau  wrote:
> > From: Gabriella Rantau 
> > Subject: Re: [proletar] Penjajahan islam di Mali
> > To: "" 
> > Date: Saturday, February 2, 2013, 4:37 PM
> > 
> >       
> >       MHI, anda tidak mungkin menyangkal bhw bansaMesir
> > (Copt) itu budayanya jauh lebih tinggi dari budaya padang
> > pasir Arabia. Anda juga tidak bisa menyangkal bhw gerombolan
> > Muslim (tanpa provokasi) menyerang Mesir dan memaksa
> > bangsanya menjadi Arab wannabes dan meninggalkan agamanya
> > dan masuk Islam. Hal yg sama terjadi kpd bangsa2lain
> > misalnya, Turkey, Persia, India dst.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Anda dan banyak umat Islam yg tidak mengenal Al Qur'an
> > mati2an mengatakan bhw Islam itu untuk seluruh dunia. Allah
> > SWT dg jelas menyatakan bhw Islam dan Nabi Junjungan itu
> > hanya untuk Ummul Qura dan mereka yg bermukim di sekitarnya!
> > Setiap umat, mnrt Allah SWT dikirim sseorang nabi masing2
> > dari antara umat itu.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > We're not talking about the dreadful colonization of the
> > Netherlands, brur. We're talking about the predatory,
> > beastly teaching of Islam and it's aggression towards
> > nations for the sake of Allah and Islam!
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Gabriella
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ________________________________
> > 
> >  From: Musik hari Ini musikhariini@...>
> > 
> > To: ""
> >>
> > 
> > 
> > Sent: Sunday, 3 February 2013 8:25 AM
> > 
> > Subject: Re: [proletar] Penjajahan islam di Mali
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > Hayo, saudara2 sebangsa dan setanah air banggalah dengan
> > budaya dan adat-istiadat Nusantara
> > 
> > ==============
> > 
> > Goyim tolol yang satu ini sok cinta dengan indonesia jangan
> > berlebihanlah
> > 
> > bahasa dan apa yang kamu tulis jauh dari apa itu cinta tanah
> > air
> > 
> > sok nginggris campur dengan indonesia...mirip robot
> > kehabisan batrey
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > pakai lagi melihat sejarah dengan kaca mata kuda Oooh jadi
> > mesir itu 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > di Afrika timur berseblahan dengan dengan Arab?
> > 
> > siapa yang bawa ajaran paulus homosex ke minahasa?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Kecuali kalau seluruh bangsa Indonesia menyadaribhw Islam
> > itu dimaksud 
> > 
> > hanya untuk Mekkah dan mereka yg bermukim di sekitarnya. Dan
> > yg lebih 
> > 
> > penting lagi: budaya, budi pekerti, tata kerama Indonesia
> > adalah jauh 
> > 
> > lebih mulia
> > 
> > =======================
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Islam untuk mekah saja? Agama semetik itu untuk siapa saja
> > 
> > yang mencari tuhan,mari bicara tentang budaya indonesia
> > 
> > seperti apa budaya Indonesia yang situ pahami?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > dijajah belanda diam saja!
> > 
> > di jajah inggris diam saja?
> > 
> > pertanyaan saya buat sampean Goyim tolol
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > apa kontribusi Agama keresten buat kemerdekaan
> > Indonesia>
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ________________________________
> > 
> > From: Gabriella Rantau gkrantau@...>
> > 
> > To: ">
> > 
> > 
> > Sent: Saturday, February 2, 2013 6:52 PM
> > 
> > Subject: Re: [proletar] Penjajahan islam di Mali
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > Rupanya praktik seperti ini sudah dilakukan oleh islamist
> > sejak zaman Nabi Junjungan. Beberapa waktu lalu di Sudan,
> > the Janjawids, islamic cut-throats memaksakan Islam kepada
> > orang2 Sudan apakah mereka non-Muslim atau Muslim aliran
> > berbeda dengan preman2 Islam ini.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Mesir adalah salah satu bangsa dengan budaya sangat tingggi
> > yg takluk menyerah ketika Islam dg ajaran yg menghalalkan
> > pembunuhan, pemerkosaan dan pemaksaan Islam thdp siapa saja
> > yg dianggapnya musuh Islam. By the 10th century bangsa Mesir
> > yg budayanya jauh tinggi dibanding budaya padang pasir
> > akhirnya menjadi 'Arab wannabes'. Tidak saja
> > kehilangan agamanya, budayanya tapi juga bahasanya.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Cilakanya orang Mesir sampai hari ini dianggap tidak cukup
> > Islami oleh Muslim Arab. What hope the Indonesian Muslims
> > have against the onslaught of Wahabis? Precious
> > little.Kecuali kalau seluruh bangsa Indonesia menyadaribhw
> > Islam itu dimaksud hanya untuk Mekkah dan mereka yg bermukim
> > di sekitarnya. Dan yg lebih penting lagi: budaya, budi
> > pekerti, tata kerama Indonesia adalah jauh lebih mulia dari
> > yg berasal dari padang pasir Arabia.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Hayo, saudara2 sebangsa dan setanah air banggalah dengan
> > budaya dan adat-istiadat Nusantara.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Gabriella
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ________________________________
> > 
> > From: itemabu2 itemabu2@...>
> > 
> > To: proletar>
> > 
> > 
> > Sent: Sunday, 3 February 2013 6:43 AM
> > 
> > Subject: [proletar] Penjajahan islam di Mali
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Kayak ginilah penjajahan yg dilakukan oleh Islam, hehehe...
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Inside Gao where Arab jihadis took bloody sharia retribution
> > on Mali's
> > 
> > black Africans
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > The people of Gao endured nine months of amputations and
> > floggings
> > 
> > under the rule of Islamist rebels â€" much of it aimed at
> > ethnic groups
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Lindsey Hilsum in Gao
> > 
> > The Observer, Saturday 2 February 2013 12.31 GMT
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > The jihadis carried out amputations in the sandy square
> > where the
> > 
> > residents of Gao used to watch basketball. The men who ruled
> > Gao for
> > 
> > nine months, until French and Malian troops drove them out
> > last
> > 
> > weekend, replaced the words "Place de
> > l'Indépendence" in the green,
> > 
> > red and yellow of the national flag with simple white on
> > black: Place
> > 
> > de la Sharia.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > A thief would lose his right hand. Those accused of burglary
> > would
> > 
> > lose both right hand and left foot. On 21 December last
> > year, people
> > 
> > were assembled, as they had been several times before, and
> > told to
> > 
> > watch.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > "No one was allowed to speak," said Issa Alzouma.
> > "Then they cut off
> > 
> > my hand with a knife."
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Alzouma had been accused of stealing a motorbike, which he
> > denies. At
> > 
> > 39, he made a living digging gravel for construction
> > companies. It was
> > 
> > enough to support his wife and three children. Now he roams
> > Gao in
> > 
> > tattered clothes, the stump of his right arm wrapped in a
> > grubby
> > 
> > bandage, a flimsy black plastic bag dangling from his
> > remaining wrist.
> > 
> > Inside he keeps a few antibiotics and replacement bandages
> > given by a
> > 
> > Red Cross doctor who treated him at Gao hospital a week
> > after his
> > 
> > amputation.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > "The doctor had to cut in and remove flesh because it
> > was infected,"
> > 
> > he said. "Under the bandage you can see my bones. It
> > hurts and I feel
> > 
> > as if my bones are coming out."
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Alzouma has no idea how he and his family will survive.
> > "My wife just
> > 
> > cries and cries," he said. His friend Algalas Yatara,
> > who was also
> > 
> > accused of stealing a motorbike, carries a sheaf of papers
> > in Arabic
> > 
> > in his remaining hand. He thinks it is the judgment but is
> > not quite
> > 
> > sure, as neither man can read Arabic.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > At least 12 men had hands or feet cut off after MUJAO
> > (Movement for
> > 
> > Jihad and Unity), and its allies in AQIM (al-Qaida in the
> > Islamic
> > 
> > Maghreb), took control of Gao last April. The exact number
> > is not
> > 
> > known because some were amputated in the military base where
> > no
> > 
> > non-jihadi was allowed. The mayor's office, a few yards
> > from the
> > 
> > punishment ground, was turned into a sharia court. Outside,
> > the sand
> > 
> > has turned black where the enforcers of hesbah, or justice,
> > ground
> > 
> > down cigarettes and whipped those found smoking. Inside, the
> > floor is
> > 
> > littered with documents, including a ring-binder with
> > details of the
> > 
> > women flogged for not wearing the veil. Family members were
> > made to
> > 
> > put a thumbprint to show they acknowledged the punishment
> > and would
> > 
> > supervise the accused in future.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Suspects were confined to a small room where they were tied
> > up and
> > 
> > beaten, before being brought before Islamic judges, known as
> > marabous,
> > 
> > who sat every Monday and Thursday.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Ali Altini and Mohammed Aklini were due to be executed for
> > 
> > homosexuality the Friday before last. French air strikes
> > saved their
> > 
> > lives, as the jihadis who would have carried out the
> > sentence were
> > 
> > killed or fled. The two men, who deny they are gay, were
> > arrested on
> > 
> > 12 December, bound, beaten, then interrogated. "They
> > asked me where
> > 
> > the brothels are," said Altini. "I answered that I
> > didn't know. Then
> > 
> > they asked me to show them where people made pornographic
> > movies. I
> > 
> > answered again that I didn't know."
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > According to Altini, his six interrogators were Pakistanis,
> > who
> > 
> > communicated through a local translator. Altini and Aklini
> > were
> > 
> > arraigned before three marabous, one of whom they believed
> > to be a
> > 
> > Tunisian.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > "The jihadis had their own marabous," said Altini.
> > "They asked me if
> > 
> > the rumours that I slept with men were true. They said that
> > before the
> > 
> > time of the Prophet such things were allowed, but now it is
> > condemned
> > 
> > by Islam." One marabou suggested that the men should be
> > given a second
> > 
> > chance, but another said they should face the death
> > sentence. The
> > 
> > final decision seems to have been taken by Abdul Hakim, a
> > Moroccan who
> > 
> > was MUJAO's leader in Gao, and Aliou Muhammar Touré, a
> > local man who
> > 
> > was appointed Islamic police commissioner.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > "Abdul Hakim and Aliou Muhammar came to visit us in the
> > police station
> > 
> > after the judgment," said Altini. "Aliou said:
> > 'I will tie their hands
> > 
> > and feet myself.' Abdul Hakim replied: 'Well, I will
> > cut their throats
> > 
> > myself.' Aliou wanted my parents to witness the
> > execution."
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > According to Gao residents, the victims of sharia
> > punishments were
> > 
> > from Mali's black African ethnic groups, while the
> > jihadis were mostly
> > 
> > lighter-skinned Arabs â€" both Malian and foreign â€" and
> > Tuaregs. Touré,
> > 
> > of the Songhai tribe, was one of the few black Malians to
> > join MUJAO.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > "If you are a Tuareg or Arab, or if you look like them,
> > they don't
> > 
> > threaten you," said Alzouma, the amputee, who is from
> > the Bella, the
> > 
> > group traditionally used as slaves by the Tuareg.
> > "Their people
> > 
> > smuggle drugs, cigarettes and everything, but they don't
> > threaten
> > 
> > their own families, just black people â€" the Songhai, the
> > Bella and the
> > 
> > Bambara."
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > A year ago Tuaregs rose to demand an independent state in
> > the north.
> > 
> > Many Tuareg officers deserted the army to join the
> > rebellion. Some
> > 
> > joined forces with jihadis, mostly Algerian or Malian Arabs,
> > who were
> > 
> > using the desert for kidnapping and smuggling. During the
> > past nine
> > 
> > months, in which they established an Islamist mini-state,
> > jihadis from
> > 
> > across the globe arrived in northern Mali.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Ethnic tension has already led to reprisals. Graphic footage
> > shows a
> > 
> > mob tearing a jihadi fighter limb from limb. A vigilante
> > group calling
> > 
> > itself the Patrollers of Gao is combing the town for members
> > of MUJAO.
> > 
> > Last week they seized and beat several men in the
> > marketplace, and one
> > 
> > who was hiding in the hospital. Malian soldiers rescued the
> > men, but
> > 
> > they too speak with vitriol about those they see as
> > traitors,
> > 
> > especially the Tuareg. "We invited them into our homes
> > and ate with
> > 
> > them, but they turned their guns on us," said a senior
> > army officer in
> > 
> > Gao. "How can we trust them again?"
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > In the last few days, the mayor of Gao, who returned from
> > the capital,
> > 
> > Bamako, last Sunday, has used local radio to call for
> > tolerance and
> > 
> > the rule of law, but neither the police force nor local
> > administration
> > 
> > has yet been reinstated.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Lindsey Hilsum is international editor for Channel 4 News
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ------------------------------------
> > 
> > 
> > 
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> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >     
> >      
> > 
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> >     
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >


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