haha..Pak Tawang ini nemu saja cara mengatasinya..
Jangan lama2 pak, nanti anak keburu dewasa loh...

On 6/8/2013 5:01 PM, Tawangalun wrote:
> Sekedar untuk membedakan saja kalau Nama yg tertulis dibawah adalah 
> Tawangalun asli itu justru yg palsu,sedangkan kalau Nama yg tertulis dibawah 
> adalah Paulus Anak Wedus justru itulah Tawangalun asli.
> La Talangalun alias Tawangalun palsu gak berani memasang Nama Dibawah dg 
> Paulus Anak Wedus soale takut kewalat.Ha ha ha.
> Paulus Anak Wedus.
> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, "Tawangalun" <tawangalun@...> wrote:
>> Gak ada hubungan antara Kristennya bangsa dg kemajuan bangsa tsb.
>> Eropah Amerika sekarang gereja2 sudah kosong harusnya teknologynya jadi 
>> tertinggal kenyataannya enggak kan.
>> Amerika Latin masih banyak Kristen tapi sejak dulu gak maju2.
>> Lalu Alkitabnya Katolik ternyata lebih banyak 180 halaman dibanding 
>> Alkitabnya Protestan,Saksi Yehovah juga.Jadi antara denominasi Kristen 
>> Alkitabnya beda2.
>> Lalu soal nyontek,Kristen nyontek Perjanjian Lama mentah2 sebab 
>> Ulangan,Bilangan,Kejadian,Maleachi,Mazmur,Keluaran dll itu bukan Kitabnya 
>> Yesus tapi Nabi2 sebelumnya,tapi semua langsung ditelen.Nek Quran memang ada 
>> yg sama dg Alkitab ,asal yg masih asli yo sama wong satu sumber tapi kan 
>> Islam gak nelen mentah2 Perjanjian Lama dan Perjanjian Baru.
>> Paulus Anak Wedus.
>> --- In proletar@yahoogroups.com, Gabriella Rantau <gkrantau@> wrote:
>>> Pak Ballast,sekedar berbagi info.
>>> 1. Memang ada banyak versi Alkitab / Bible tetapi perbedaan yg ada hanya 
>>> bertalian dengan bahasanya. Misalnya, King James Bible bahasanya sudah 
>>> archaic (kuno) sehingga kurang difahami oleh jemaat masa kini. Tidak ada 
>>> perbedaan isi atau messaage dari kitab2 dan ayat2 Bible.
>>> 2. Mnrt anda tidak logis kalau ada orang yg menyontek Perjanjian Lama dan 
>>> Perjanjian Baru. Kenyataan di lapangan banyak ayat2 Al Qur'an yg sangat 
>>> mirip dengan ayat2 Alkitab. Mungkin saja ini karena kebetulan. Yg jelas 
>>> Perjanjian Lama itu sudah dikenal, ditulis, diajarkan lebih dari 2,000 
>>> tahun sebelum nuzul Al Qur'an. Perjanjian Baru sudah selesai ditulis pada 
>>> tahun 70 Masehi jadi lebih dari  600 tahun sebelum nuzul Qur'an.
>>> 3.Salah satu contoh similarity / persamaan kita lihat dari Doa Yahudi 
>>> (P.L.) yg namanya Ha Patach dengan Surat Al Fatiha. (Dua hari yg lalu aku 
>>> kirim Ha Patach tsb.)
>>> 4. Anda benar praktis tidak ada orang Kristen yg hafal ayat2 Alkitab. Perlu 
>>> kita pertanyakan apakah seseorang yg hafal ayat2 sebuah kitab suci, 
>>> otomatis menjadi orang yg baik? Lebih2 kalau kita ingat bhw sebagian besar 
>>> umat Islam tidak mengerti Bahasa Arab. Ini artinya bhw sebagian besar umat 
>>> Islam sebenarnya tidak mengerti apa yg mereka ikrarkan.
>>> 5. Mungkin ada orang2 yg merasa puas kalau merussak, merobek2 Alkitab (for 
>>> that matter Al Qur'an dsb.) Bagi umat Kristiani Alkitab itu adalah sekedar 
>>> buku, karenanya tidak mungkin suci atau dapat membawa pahala. Yg sangat 
>>> penting adalah ajaran yg terkandung dalam Bible tsb. Kalau orang 
>>> mengamalkan ajaran yg mulia, maka orang tsb berkenan kpd Tuhan.
>>> 6. Kalau anda jujur penganut agama mana yg (i) Kehidupannya secara umum 
>>> tidak mapan, tidak sejahtera? (ii) Umat beragama mana yg sepanjang sejarah 
>>> dan khususnya dlm sejak abad ke-15 ketinggalan kemajuan dlm banyak bidang: 
>>> science, health, politic, social dsb? (iii) Umat mana yg banyak trerlibat 
>>> dlm perseteruan, pembunuhan, kejahatan, anti sosial dan tindak terorisme? - 
>>> bahkan di antara umat yg seagama? (iv) Umat beragama mana yg masih 
>>> melakukan penindasan, pelecehan, thdp kaum perempuan?
>>> Wasalam
>>> Gabriella
>>> ________________________________
>>>   From: Ballast Yo <yo.balast@>
>>> To: proletar@yahoogroups.com
>>> Sent: Saturday, 8 June 2013 4:03 PM
>>> Subject: Re: R: [proletar] Komposisi Quran
>>> Â
>>> hal yg jauh dari logika kalau ada suatu kitab mau mencontoh bibel.
>>> tahu kenapa?
>>> enggak kan?
>>> itu krn bibel sendiri selalu direvisi. Orang kristen aja enggak ada yg 
>>> hapal kok. lagian ngapain dihapalin, di turki sudah ketemu injil yg lebih 
>>> sesuai.
>>> dulu..ada orang israel/yahudi dikirimi bibel malah disobek2. itu tandanya 
>>> bhw bibel itu membuat pengaruh buruk thd bgs yahudi dan juga bagi bangsa2 
>>> di dunia. faham?
>>> --- On Sat, 6/8/13, SA <susan_th45@> wrote:
>>>> From: SA <susan_th45@>
>>>>        Kelemahan Islam adalah memplagiat dua Kitab Suci
>>>> terdahulu,ingin membuat Kitab sendiri yang sempurna,ternyata
>>>> semakin kelihatan jejak2 plagiatnya,semakin banyak ditemukan
>>>> kontradiksi.
>>>> Ketegangan soal Kitab Suci antar ketiga agama ini akan
>>>> hilang atau berkurang, jika umat Islam menjadikan quran
>>>> sebagai Kitab Suci mereka tetapi digandeng dengan Taurat
>>>> dan Alkitab sebagai Kitab2 pendahulu, kurang lebih sama
>>>> seperti umat Kristiani mengadopsi Taurat sebagai Perjanjian
>>>> Lama.
>>>> Jadi komposisi quran seharusnya: Perjanjian Lama, Perjanjian
>>>> Baru dan Quran sebagai satu kesatuan Kitab Suci Islam.
>>>> --- Sab 8/6/13, Bukan Pedanda <bukan.pedanda@>Â
>>>> Â Bukan Pedanda <bukan.pedanda@>
>>>> Â [proletar] (unknown)
>>>> Â "proletar@yahoogroups.com"
>>>> <proletar@yahoogroups.com>
>>>> Â
>>>> Negara-negara di dunia kafir membangun perdamaian, mau
>>>> dagang aja, nggak mau main bunuh-bunuhan lagi...
>>>> Sementara itu orang Islam main teror dan saling berbunuhan
>>>> di Siria, Iraq, Yemen dll.
>>>> Dan mereka jadikan Indoneisa sebagai sarang teroris.
>>>> Islam itu, saya bilang dan saya ulang adalah malapetaka
>>>> untuk ummat manusia, artinya juga malapetakan untuk orang
>>>> Islam sendiri.
>>>> Â
>>>> Â
>>>> Â
>>>> Obama calls for 'new model' at China summit
>>>> US president and Chinese President Xi Jinping pledge to look
>>>> for a new way of co-operation on a slew of disputes.
>>>> Last Modified: 08 Jun 2013 06:38
>>>> Al Jazeera's Rob Reynolds reports from Los Angeles on
>>>> the informal talks being hailed as 'historic' for
>>>> both countries
>>>> The US president has said he welcomes the "peaceful
>>>> rise" of China and that, despite inevitable areas of
>>>> tension, both
>>>> countries want a co-operative relationship, as he and
>>>> Chinese President
>>>> Xi Jinping began two days of meetings.
>>>> Hosting Xi at a luxurious
>>>> desert estate in southern California on Friday, Barack Obama
>>>> said he
>>>> hoped to work together with China on cybersecurity, an issue
>>>> that has
>>>> created friction between the two countries.
>>>> Xi expressed the hope for deeper co-operation, saying China
>>>> and the
>>>> United States could build a new model of "big
>>>> country" relations.
>>>> Speaking
>>>> to reporters at the start of Friday's talks, Obama said
>>>> he wanted
>>>> to achieve a "new model of co-operation" with
>>>> China - a goal many feel
>>>> eluded him in his first term when dealing with former
>>>> Chinese president
>>>> Hu Jintao.
>>>> "Our decision to meet so early, I think, signifies the
>>>> importance of the U.S.-China relationship. It’s important
>>>> not only for
>>>> the prosperity of our two countries and the security of our
>>>> two
>>>> countries, but it’s also important for the Asia Pacific
>>>> region and
>>>> important for the world," Obama said.
>>>> Obama said it was in the interest of the US that China
>>>> continued on
>>>> the path of success "because we believe that a peaceful
>>>> and stable and
>>>> prosperous China is not only good for Chinese but also good
>>>> for the
>>>> world and for the United States".
>>>> Obama said as two of the world's largest economies, the
>>>> US and China were aiming to have a healthy economic
>>>> competition.
>>>> But he added that the two nations had a "whole range of
>>>> challenges on which we have to cooperate". These, Obama
>>>> said, include North Korea and its nuclear and missile
>>>> programmes, nuclear proliferation and climate
>>>> change.
>>>> Obama urged Xi to stop reported Chinese hacking against
>>>> the US, but his call could be overshadowed by new
>>>> revelations that
>>>> Obama's own administration has been secretly collecting
>>>> information
>>>> about phone and internet use.
>>>> The actions of both China and the US underscore the vast
>>>> technological powers that governments can tap to gather
>>>> information
>>>> covertly from individuals, companies and other governments.
>>>> Obama, seeking to keep the matter from trailing him through
>>>> two days
>>>> of China meetings, addressed the surveillance programmes for
>>>> the first
>>>> time on Friday morning.
>>>> He said the efforts strike "the right balance"
>>>> between security and civil liberties as the US combats
>>>> terrorism.
>>>> "You can't have 100 percent security and then also
>>>> have 100 percent
>>>> privacy and zero inconvenience. We're going to have to
>>>> make some choices as a society," he said during a
>>>> health care event in Northern
>>>> California.
>>>> For his part, Xi said the talks would help chart the future
>>>> of China-US relations and "draw a blueprint for this
>>>> relationship".
>>>> He said in more than 40 years the China-US relationship
>>>> "has gone through winds and rains and it made
>>>> historical progress".
>>>> Obama, Xi and the future of US-China relations: An interview
>>>> with Professor David Zweig.
>>>> "Our two peoples and the people elsewhere in the world
>>>> have reaped huge benefits from this," Xi said.
>>>> "And at present, the China-U.S. relationship has
>>>> reached a new
>>>> historical starting point. Our two countries have vast
>>>> convergence of
>>>> shared interests, from promoting our respective economic
>>>> growth at home
>>>> to ensuring the stability of the global economy."
>>>> Xi said on all issues including dealing with international
>>>> and
>>>> regional hotspot and global challenges, the two countries
>>>> needed to
>>>> increase exchanges and cooperation.
>>>> "And under the new environment, we need to take a close
>>>> look at our
>>>> bilateral relationship: What kind of China-U.S. relationship
>>>> do we both
>>>> want?" Xi said.
>>>> "What kind of cooperation can our two nations carry out
>>>> for mutual
>>>> benefit? And how can our two nations join together to
>>>> promote peace and
>>>> development in the world? These are things that not just the
>>>> people in
>>>> our two countries are watching closely, but the whole world
>>>> is also
>>>> watching very closely."Â
>>>> Xi said he looked forward to in-depth communication with
>>>> Obama,
>>>> adding he was confident the meeting would "achieve
>>>> positive outcomes and inject fresh momentum into the
>>>> China-U.S. relationship".
>>>> Source:
>>>> Al Jazeera and agencies
>>>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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