Alien itu jelas banyak; hadi jelas bukan Tuhan Yang SATU

--- In, "pemerhatidunia" <pemerhatidunia@...> wrote:
> Baik. Kuliahmu menjadi studi kasus yang baik. Lanjutkan!! Aku juga berjanji 
> akan mengkaji ini lebih dalam. Dalam agama non Islam juga banyak pengaruh 
> alien2 ini. 
> pemdun
> --- In, "ndeboost" <rambitesemak@> wrote:
> >
> > Kok jauh amat? Ada yg nyembah cor-coran, semen atau logam, ada kayu
> > dipaku kiri-kanan, atau patung lalu manusia jongkok hormat didepannya.
> > Sekarang ini lho dan kamu bisa lihat saja sendiri. Ada juga yg nyembah
> > api, juga yg sangat memuliakan daya fikirnya atau posisi maupun harta
> > duniawi.  Atau mengigau memuja arwah nenek moyang atau setan
> > gentayangan. Vatikan saja pernah kok punya tempat khusus muja satan,
> > meski yg namanya pedofil atau homo dan diwariskan kepada para
> > rohaniwannya.
> > Kalik orang tuamu maupun kamu sendiri termasuk pemuja dari antara yg
> > nDeboost paparkan diatas.
> > 
> > Coba kamu bayangkan, ada yg mampu melihat langit terbuka atau 1/3 jumlah
> > bintang diseret ekor naga ke bumi.  Atau ada sosok ga bersilsilah, ga
> > ada awal atau akhir. Lalu peperangan antara malaikat jahat vs malaikat
> > baik di surga. Atau ada sosok (mayat) naik ke surga.  Mengapa kamu
> > mengecualikan  yg itu?
> > 
> > Kalau Al Qur'an menyampaikan ada makhluk diantara langit dan bumi namun 
> > ga disebut dimana ga ada hubungannya dg kepercayaan Arab kuno. Orang
> > Arab jahiliah dulu entah apa-apa yg mereka sembah, wallahua'lam.
> > 
> > "....Satu apologis Muslim mengaku bahwa patung dewa Hubal bulan
> > ditempatkan di atas atap Kaba sekitar 400 tahun sebelum Muhammad. Hal
> > ini mungkin sebenarnya asal mengapa bulan sabit berada di atas setiap
> > menara di Kaba hari ini dan simbol pusat Islam di atas setiap masjid di
> > seluruh dunia...."
> > 
> > 'Mangnya ada berapa Kaba? Kamu mengigau atau mitenah? Melek dong.
> > 
> > Ini akan menjadi studi baru, jurusan baru dalam ILMU AGAMA.
> > Jadi utk apa  ngajak studi yg demikian gak netralnya? Kamu tujukan saja
> > kepada gereja biar ga dipermalukan. Ga lagi mengulangi kezaliman yg
> > ditimpakan misalnya kpd Galileo.
> > 
> > --- In, "pemerhatidunia" <pemerhatidunia@>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Mengingat bahwa agama itu asalnya adalah supranatural: malaikat,
> > Allah, dewa, hantu, penampakan, langit yang artinya kemungkinan besar
> > adalah ALIEN dari ANGKASA LUAR, maka aku mengajak kalian semua yg
> > obyektif dan rasional untuk menguji semua agama berdasarkan hipotesis
> > ini, sekaligus mengenali alien dengan berbagai varian dan tujuan mereka.
> > >
> > > Ini akan menjadi studi baru, jurusan baru dalam ILMU AGAMA.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Bulan itu ada penduduknya. Banyak orang bersaksi pernah melihatnya.
> > Mungkinkah
> > > simbol Bulan Bintang itu berkaitan dengan fakta bahwa Alloh itu adalah
> > ALIEN??
> > >
> > >
> > > Banyak sekali kalau dicari di google "Alien Moon"
> > >
> > > Alien moon,Why NASA Never Returned To The Moon,1of3
> > >
> > >
> > > masih sangat banyak lagi di youtube dan di web
> > >
> > >
> > > DEWI BULANnya orang Arab , AL-ILAH
> > >
> > > Lalu orang Arab pra-Islam menyembah bulan dan tuhannya yang bernama
> > al-Ilah
> > > (Al-Lat yang disebut di Qur'an?).
> > > Moon worship, agama Arab jahiliyah
> > > dewanya bernama al-ilah
> > >
> > >
> > > Translated dari English
> > > # ibadah Dewi Bulan telah dipraktikkan di Saudi sejak tahun 2000 SM.
> > Bulan sabit
> > > adalah simbol paling umum dari ibadah pagan bulan sejauh 2000 SM.
> > > # Di Mekah, ada dewa bernama Hubal yang Tuhannya Kabah.
> > > # Hubal adalah dewa bulan.
> > > # Satu apologis Muslim mengaku bahwa patung dewa Hubal bulan
> > ditempatkan di atas
> > > atap Kaba sekitar 400 tahun sebelum Muhammad. Hal ini mungkin
> > sebenarnya asal
> > > mengapa bulan sabit berada di atas setiap menara di Kaba hari ini dan
> > simbol
> > > pusat Islam di atas setiap masjid di seluruh dunia:
> > >
> > > Sekitar empat ratus tahun sebelum kelahiran Muhammad bin Amr satu
> > Lahyo ...
> > > keturunan dari Qahtan dan raja Hijaz, telah menempatkan berhala
> > bernama Hubal di
> > > atap Ka'bah. Ini adalah salah satu dewa utama dari Quraisy sebelum
> > Islam.
> > > (Muhammad Nabi saw, Hafiz Ghulam Sarwar (Pakistan), p 18-19, Muslim)
> > >
> > > # Dewa Bulan juga disebut sebagai "al-ilah". Ini bukan nama yang tepat
> > dari
> > > suatu dewa tunggal tertentu, tetapi referensi generik berarti "dewa".
> > Setiap
> > > kafir lokal suku Arab akan lihat sendiri kafir suku lokal mereka tuhan
> > sebagai
> > > "al-ilah".
> > > # "Al-ilah" kemudian disingkat menjadi Allah sebelum Muhammad mulai
> > > mempromosikan agama barunya di 610 AD.
> > > # Ada bukti bahwa Hubal disebut sebagai "Allah".
> > > # Ketika Muhammad datang, dia menjatuhkan semua referensi nama "Hubal"
> > tapi
> > > mempertahankan "Allah" generik.
> > > # Muhammad ditahan hampir semua ritual pagan bangsa Arab di Kaba dan
> > > didefinisikan ulang mereka dalam hal monoteistik.
> > > # Terlepas dari spesifik dari fakta, jelas bahwa Islam adalah berasal
> > dari
> > > paganisme yang pernah menyembah dewa-bulan.
> > > # Meskipun Islam adalah agama monoteis hari ini, akarnya dalam
> > paganisme.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > 1. There is absolutely no question that Allah was worshipped by the
> > pagan
> > > Arabs as one of many polytheistic gods.
> > > 2. Allah was worshipped in the Kabah at Mecca before Muhammad was
> > born.
> > > Muhammad merely proclaimed a god the Meccans were already familiar
> > with. The
> > > pagan Arabs never accused Muhammad of preaching a different Allah than
> > the one
> > > they already worshipped.
> > > 3. Many scholars say "Allah" is derived from a compound Arabic word,
> > AL +
> > > ILAH = Allah. "Ilah" in Arabic is "God" and "Al" in Arabic is a
> > definite article
> > > like our word "the". So from an English equivalent "Allah" comes from
> > "The +
> > > God". Others, like Arthur Jeffery say, "The common theory is that it
> > is formed
> > > from ilah, the common word for a god, and the article al-; thus
> > al-ilah, the
> > > god," becomes Allah, "God." This theory, however, is untenable. In
> > fact, the
> > > name is one of the words borrowed into the language in pre-Islamic
> > times from
> > > Aramaic." (
> > > 4. Islam: Muhammad and His Religion, Arthur Jeffery, 1958, p 85)
> > Although
> > > "Allah" has become known as the proper name for the Muslim god, Allah
> > is not a
> > > name, but a descriptor that means literally, "the god". All pagan
> > cultures have
> > > these generic terms that refer to their "top god" as "the god". In
> > comparison to
> > > the perfect monotheism of Judaism and Christianity, "Allah" was
> > originally no
> > > more a proper name for the Muslim God, than the word Hebrew "elohim"
> > (god) or
> > > Greek "theos" (god) are proper names of the one true God of the Bible.
> > "Jehovah"
> > > is the only revealed proper name for the "Elohim" of the Old Testament
> > ( Ex
> > > 3:13; 6:3) and "Jesus" is the only revealed proper name of "Theos" in
> > the New
> > > Testament. (Acts 4:12) Islam has no proper name for their god, but
> > merely
> > > transformed, by universal use and confusion, the generic Allah into a
> > proper
> > > name. So although today, Muslims use "Allah" as a proper name, it was
> > never used
> > > this way originally. Allah, therefore is equivalent to "elohim" and
> > "ho theos"
> > > but not "Jehovah" or "Jesus". Allah is not the name of the nameless
> > Muslim God.
> > > However Muslims will claim that Allah is the name of God that
> > corresponds to
> > > Jehovah. Both the Father and the Son are called "ho theos" (The God).
> > Jesus is
> > > called "The God" many times in the New Testament: John 20:28; Heb 1:8.
> > An
> > > important conclusion from this, is that the mere fact that "Allah" is
> > equivalent
> > > to "elohim" and "ho theos" does not mean they are directly
> > corresponded. It
> > > certainly doesn't prove Allah is the same as the God of the Old or New
> > > Testament. It does not prove that Muslim's worship the same God as
> > Christians.
> > > If this correspondence proved the Muslim god was the same as the
> > Christian God,
> > > then because pagan religions also have generics that correspond to
> > "the god"
> > > (Allah), this correspondence would also prove that Allah is the same
> > god as the
> > > Buddhist god, for Buddhists also refer to their god as "the god".
> > >
> > > What scholars say about the origin of the word "Allah":
> > >
> > > 1. It is not related that the Black Stone was connected with any
> > special god.
> > > In the Ka'ba was the statue of the god Hubal who might be called the
> > god of
> > > Mecca and of the Ka'ba. Caetani gives great prominence to the
> > connection between
> > > the Ka'ba and Hubal. Besides him, however, al-Lat, al-`Uzza, and
> > al-Manat were
> > > worshipped and are mentioned in the Kur'an; Hubal is never mentioned
> > there. What
> > > position Allah held beside these is not exactly known. The Islamic
> > tradition has
> > > certainly elevated him at the expense of other deities. It may be
> > considered
> > > certain that the Black Stone was not the only idol in or at the Ka'ba.
> > The Makam
> > > Ibrahim was of course a sacred stone from very early times. Its name
> > has not
> > > been handed down. Beside it several idols are mentioned, among them
> > the 360
> > > statues. (
> > > 2. First Encyclopedia of Islam, E.J. Brill, 1987, Islam, p. 587-591)
> > "The
> > > verses of the Qur'an make it clear that the very name Allah existed in
> > the
> > > Jahiliyya or pre-Islamic Arabia. Certain pagan tribes believed in a
> > god whom
> > > they called `Allah' and
> > > 3. whom they believed to be the creator of heaven and earth and holder
> > of the
> > > highest rank in the hierarchy of the gods. It is well known that the
> > Quraish as
> > > well as other tribes believed in Allah, whom they designated as the
> > `Lord of the
> > > House' (i.e., of the Ka'ba)...It is therefore clear that the Qur'anic
> > conception
> > > of Allah is not entirely new." (A Guide to the Contents of the Qur'an,
> > Faruq
> > > Sherif, (Reading, 1995), pgs. 21-22., Muslim) According to al-Masudi
> > (Murudj,
> > > iv. 47), certain people have regarded the Ka'ba as a temple devoted to
> > the sun,
> > > the moon and the five planets. The 36o idols placed round the Ka'ba
> > also point
> > > in this direction. It can therefore hardly be denied that traces exist
> > of an
> > > astral symbolism. At the same time one can safely say that there can
> > be no
> > > question of any general conception on these lines. The cult at the
> > Ka'ba was in
> > > the heathen period syncretic as is usual in heathenism. (
> > > 4. First Encyclopedia of Islam, E.J. Brill, 1987, Islam, p. 587-591)
> > The name
> > > Allah, as the Qur'an itself is witness, was well known i


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