On 27 May 07:50, Brian Brazil wrote:
> On Wed, 27 May 2020 at 07:05, Ben Kochie <sup...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I was thinking about building an "exporter kit" repo that would include
> > some helpful functions to reduce the amount of boilerplate needed to write
> > exporters.
> >
> I've thought such a thing would be useful for a long time, though my
> presumption was always that it would end up in client_golang as it's not
> too far from instrumentation.
> In general I'm not a big fan of widespread proliferation of repos,
> particularly if it's lots of tiny repos. Even in the previous cases where
> we managed to get the layering largely right, it still was quite a pain in
> terms of overhead and release management if the repos were being actively
> developed. A single toolkit-y repo I could live with, I'd be concerned if
> we were talking repos beyond that.
> Brian

Do we have consensus on:

- A new public repository in the Prometheus organisation
- That repository will contain go code that will be used by Prometheus,
  PGW, AM and Official exporters (including but not limited to tls)
- That repository will follow go semver and be public, therefore
  be reusable by unofficial exporters too

Should we name it:
- github.com/prometheus/exporter
- github.com/prometheus/toolkit


Julien Pivotto

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