Ok I see problem, but how can i separate email subjects from alert and
alert-resolved? Can I somehow insert 2 templates of email or 2 templates of
subject into 1 alert? How alertmanager will know when to use 1st template
and second?

pt., 14 maj 2021 o 08:45 Sebastian Glock <sebagloc...@gmail.com> napisał(a):

> Ok so this one should look like this:
>   - alert: CPU load is more than 80%!
>     expr: 100 - (1 -avg(irate(windows_cpu_time_total{mode="user"}[10m]))
> by (instance)) * 100 >= 40
>     for: 10s
>     labels:
>       severity: "[High]"
>     annotations:
>       summary: "CPU load is more than 80%!"
>       description: "{{ humanize $value }}%"
> and alertmanager:
>   - receiver: alert-emailer-cpu-1h-resolved
>     repeat_interval: 1m
>     match:
>       severity: "[High-CPU]"
> - name: alert-emailer-cpu-1h-resolved
>   email_configs:
>   - to: 'sebastian.glock@ecom.software'
>     send_resolved: true
>     from: ****
>     smarthost: ****
>     auth_username: '****
>     auth_password: ****
>     auth_secret: ****
>     auth_identity: ***
>     html: '{{ template "email" .}}'
>     headers:
>       subject: "[CUK][RESOLVED]{{ .CommonLabels.severity }} {{
> .CommonLabels.instance }} {{ .CommonLabels.alertname }} | {{
> .CommonAnnotations.description }}"
> I'm right or something wrong? What if I want to configure send resolved
> for all alerts? I have many recivers based on severity in recivers and i
> want only to see mail with "[RESOLVED]" in subject.
> I think there's something wrong because it's not working :(
> śr., 31 mar 2021 o 22:31 Matthias Rampke <matth...@prometheus.io>
> napisał(a):
>> To Prometheus, "resolved" is not a separate first class event.
>> As long as an alert is "firing" in Prometheus, it sends a constant stream
>> of "still firing" messages to Alertmanager. If there are multiple alerts
>> firing, or multiple label combinations for one alert, there's more
>> notifications. AM takes these streams of "still bad", deduplicates, and
>> groups them.
>> This leads to an alert group with 1 or more alerts in it. In configurable
>> intervals, Alertmanager will send a notification to the configured
>> receiver(s). This is when the templates are evaluated. While a group
>> exists, individual alerts can be added and removed, this often triggers
>> additional notifications. Finally, when the last alert in a group is
>> resolved, another notification is fired.
>> It is important here that this notification uses the same receiver, and
>> the same templates, as all the previous ones! The choice of Slack color is
>> only done based on the state of each notification, you can see how it's
>> done in the default value of the "color" setting:
>> https://prometheus.io/docs/alerting/latest/configuration/#slack_config
>> You need only one receiver and set send_resolved: true on it. Then you
>> can use templating to make these emails have different subjects depending
>> on the contents of each notification.
>> /MR
>> On Wed, Mar 31, 2021, 09:19 Sebastian Glock <sebagloc...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I have something like this:
>>> global:
>>> route:
>>>   receiver: alert-emailer-cpu-30m
>>>   group_by: ['alertname', 'priority', 'instance']
>>>   group_wait: 10s
>>>   group_interval: 10s
>>>   repeat_interval: 30m
>>> #  resolve_timeout: 10s
>>>   routes:
>>> #rebooted
>>>   - receiver: alert-emailer-reboot-30m
>>>     repeat_interval: 30m
>>>     match:
>>>       severity: "[Rebooted]"
>>> #CPU
>>>   - receiver: alert-emailer-cpu-30m
>>>     repeat_interval: 1m
>>>     match:
>>>       severity: "[Disaster-CPU]"
>>>   - receiver: alert-emailer-cpu-1h
>>>     repeat_interval: 1m
>>>     match:
>>>       severity: "[High-CPU]"
>>>   - receiver: alert-emailer-cpu-3h
>>>     repeat_interval: 1m
>>>     match:
>>>       severity: "[Average-CPU]"
>>> #resolved
>>>   - receiver: alert-emailer-cpu-30m-resolved
>>>     repeat_interval: 1m
>>>     match:
>>>       severity: "[Disaster-CPU]"
>>>   - receiver: alert-emailer-cpu-1h-resolved
>>>     repeat_interval: 1m
>>>     match:
>>>       severity: "[High-CPU]"
>>>   - receiver: alert-emailer-cpu-3h-resolved
>>>     repeat_interval: 1m
>>>     match:
>>>       severity: "[Average-CPU]"
>>> #cpu
>>> - name: alert-emailer-cpu-1h
>>>   email_configs:
>>>   - to: 'sebastian.glock@ecom.software'
>>>     send_resolved: false
>>>     from: '******'
>>>     smarthost: '******'
>>>     auth_username: '******'
>>>     auth_password: '******'
>>>     auth_secret: '******'
>>>     auth_identity:'******'
>>>     html: '{{ template "email" .}}'
>>>     headers:
>>>       subject: "[CUK]{{ .CommonLabels.severity }} {{
>>> .CommonLabels.instance }} {{ .CommonLabels.alertname }} | {{
>>> .CommonAnnotations.description }}"
>>> - name: alert-emailer-cpu-1h-resolved
>>>   email_configs:
>>>   - to: 'sebastian.glock@ecom.software'
>>>     send_resolved: true
>>>     from: '******'
>>>     smarthost: '******'
>>>     auth_username: '******'
>>>     auth_password: '******'
>>>     auth_secret: '******'
>>>     auth_identity:'******'
>>>     html: '{{ template "email" .}}'
>>>     headers:
>>>       subject: "[CUK][RESOLVED]{{ .CommonLabels.severity }} {{
>>> .CommonLabels.instance }} {{ .CommonLabels.alertname }} | {{
>>> .CommonAnnotations.description }}"
>>> - name: alert-emailer-cpu-30m
>>>   email_configs:
>>>   - to: 'sebastian.glock@ecom.software'
>>>     send_resolved: false
>>>     from: '******'
>>>     smarthost: '******'
>>>     auth_username: '******'
>>>     auth_password: '******'
>>>     auth_secret: '******'
>>>     auth_identity:'******'
>>>     html: '{{ template "email" .}}'
>>>     headers:
>>>       subject: "[CUK]{{ .CommonLabels.severity }} {{
>>> .CommonLabels.instance }} {{ .CommonLabels.alertname }} | {{
>>> .CommonAnnotations.description }}"
>>> - name: alert-emailer-cpu-30m-resolved
>>>   email_configs:
>>>   - to: 'sebastian.glock@ecom.software'
>>>     send_resolved: true
>>>     from: '******'
>>>     smarthost: '******'
>>>     auth_username: '******'
>>>     auth_password: '******'
>>>     auth_secret: '******'
>>>     auth_identity:'******'
>>>     html: '{{ template "email" .}}'
>>>     headers:
>>>       subject: "[CUK][RESOLVED]{{ .CommonLabels.severity }} {{
>>> .CommonLabels.instance }} {{ .CommonLabels.alertname }} | {{
>>> .CommonAnnotations.description }}"
>>> @Matthias Rampke <matth...@prometheus.io> so U think i should add
>>> .Alerts.Resolved: {{ if gt (len .Alerts.Firing) 0 }} to alert? Where
>>> prometheus hold's that alert is resolved? I thought in slack it will show
>>> that alert has been resolved, but in prometheus that alert is just green
>>> and show nothing.
>>> wt., 30 mar 2021 o 12:24 Matthias Rampke <matth...@prometheus.io>
>>> napisał(a):
>>>> I *think* you can have one email config, and toggle whether to show
>>>> [RESOLVED] as part of the template. Looking at the default templates
>>>> <https://github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/blob/master/template/default.tmpl>,
>>>> it seems like the way to do that is to check for the length of
>>>> .Alerts.Firing and .Alerts.Resolved: {{ if gt (len .Alerts.Firing) 0 }} 
>>>> etc.
>>>> /MR
>>>> On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 9:02 AM Stuart Clark <stuart.cl...@jahingo.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 29/03/2021 14:20, Sebastian Glock wrote:
>>>>> > I tried to do something like this:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > ```
>>>>> > - name: alert-emailer-cpu-1h
>>>>> >   email_configs:
>>>>> >   - to: 'sebastian.glock@ecom.software'
>>>>> >     send_resolved: false
>>>>> >     from: '*****'
>>>>> >     smarthost:'*****'
>>>>> >     auth_username: '*****'
>>>>> >     auth_password: '*****'
>>>>> >     auth_secret: '*****'
>>>>> >     auth_identity:'*****'
>>>>> >     html: '{{ template "email" .}}'
>>>>> >     headers:
>>>>> >       subject: "[CUK]{{ .CommonLabels.severity }} {{
>>>>> > .CommonLabels.instance }} {{ .CommonLabels.alertname }} | {{
>>>>> > .CommonAnnotations.description }}"
>>>>> >
>>>>> > - name: alert-emailer-cpu-1h-resolved
>>>>> >   email_configs:
>>>>> >   - to: 'sebastian.glock@ecom.software'
>>>>> >     send_resolved: true
>>>>> >     from: '*****'
>>>>> >     smarthost: '*****'
>>>>> >     auth_username: '*****'
>>>>> >     auth_password: '*****'
>>>>> >     auth_secret: '*****'
>>>>> >     auth_identity: '*****'
>>>>> >     html: '{{ template "email" .}}'
>>>>> >     headers:
>>>>> >       subject: "[CUK][RESOLVED]{{ .CommonLabels.severity }} {{
>>>>> > .CommonLabels.instance }} {{ .CommonLabels.alertname }} | {{
>>>>> > .CommonAnnotations.description }}"
>>>>> > ```
>>>>> >
>>>>> > 1 alert without send resolved, second with send resolved: true. I
>>>>> > thought i'll get an email "alert-emailer-cpu-1h-resolved" after 5
>>>>> > minutes when 1st alert "alert-emailer-cpu-1h" goes out. Is there any
>>>>> > other way to solve that?
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Thanks for your help!
>>>>> Could you post the whole alertmanager config?
>>>>> --
>>>>> Stuart Clark
>>>>> --
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