On 04/10/2021 17:26, 'Evelyn Pereira Souza' via Prometheus Users wrote:
Hi Julien

thank you, that's very good if you are satisfied with AWS. Quite a few projects and small companies complain that AWS exploits them and gives nothing back. So that is not the case with Prometheus.

The difficulty that some projects have is that the majority of their contributions come from a single company, who makes their money by selling an "enhanced" version of the OS project, a cloud version and/or support. As a result anyone (not just Amazon) offering that system as a service will divert customers from them, leading to a reduced income or ultimately bankruptcy. There have therefore been attempts to restrict what you are able to use some projects for, to prevent such competition - whether this is a good or bad thing is a matter for debate.

Prometheus is more similar to Linux in that while a number of companies do contribute, none of them own Prometheus (legally that is the CNCF, a non-profit foundation) and therefore they are all on equal footing - various people do offer cloud hosted Prometheus systems, but none of them are competing with the "Prometheus company". In addition to company contributions there are also a healthy number of individual contributors, which don't suffer from the same financial limitations (just people being willing to offer their time).

Stuart Clark

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