This did work differently in Protel 98.

But...  I think you understand how it works now.

I could be wrong, but I never could find a way to get the complex to simple
to function like it did in Protel 98.

If someone knows a way please share =)

I think however it was done in Protel 98 was not ported over to Protel 99SE
due to the different way that files are handled within the database.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I hope it saves you a little time
from struggling and trying to get it to 'work right'.

Colby Siemer                        ** Custom Battery Chargers
                                           ** Custom Power Supplies
PowerStream Technology       ** Custom UPS
140 S. Mountainway Drive      ** Custom DC/DC Converters
Orem Utah 84058                  ** Power management electronics for OEMs

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim Hutcheson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Protel EDA Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: [PEDA] Duplicating pieces of a layout

> So what's the point of all this complex hierarchy stuff if it doesn't add
> the important bits automatically?  As it stands I wind up maintaining two
> flattened copies of the CPU section or maintaining one "complex hierarchy"
> copy and having to manually edit all the designators when I flatten it.
> Surely this isn't what they meant me to do, is it?
> regards,
> Tim Hutcheson
> Institute for Human and Machine Cognition
> 40 S. Alcaniz St.
> Pensacola, FL  32503
> ICQ# 32491889
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Colby - PowerStream [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 12:44 PM
> To: Protel EDA Forum
> Subject: Re: [PEDA] Duplicating pieces of a layout
> Exactly =)
> In the article I pointed to one of the final lines is.
> "You must then annotate the design to ensure that all designators are
> unique"
> Basically what this document tells you is how to copy the schematics,
> the name of the schematics, change the name of the sheet symbol,
> the schematic and then run the Complex to Simple process so you can turn
> 'Link' copy you made into a 'Real' copy of the file.
> You can accomplish the same thing by just making an actual 'Real' copy of
> the file to begin with, then follow the same instructions and skip the
> where you run the Complex to Simple process.. since the file is an actual
> copy and not a link there is no need to run the process.
> You really only need:
> A copy of the schematic with a new name
> Unique designators
> And a sheet symbol to tie the new sheet in to the hierarchy.
> Regards,
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Colby Siemer                        ** Custom Battery Chargers
>                                            ** Custom Power Supplies
> PowerStream Technology       ** Custom UPS
> 140 S. Mountainway Drive      ** Custom DC/DC Converters
> Orem Utah 84058                  ** Power management electronics for OEMs
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tim Hutcheson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Protel EDA Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 11:32 AM
> Subject: Re: [PEDA] Duplicating pieces of a layout
> > Thanks for the link.  So far, when I do the final step, "complex to
> simple",
> > it still creates a drawing similar to what I would have created by just
> > copying the desired section of the schematic - with the same designators
> > duplicated (U2 is U2 in both sub-sheets now).  And when I create the
> > netlist, I don't see the second CPU in the list - that is, the original
> > is U2 and I see that defined and references to it.  But there is no U2_1
> or
> > such created in the netlist.  In fact it seems to not know that the new
> > "duplicate" sheet exists.
> >
> > regards,
> >
> > Tim Hutcheson
> > Institute for Human and Machine Cognition
> > 40 S. Alcaniz St.
> > Pensacola, FL  32503
> > ICQ# 32491889
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Colby - PowerStream [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 11:57 AM
> > To: Protel EDA Forum
> > Subject: Re: [PEDA] Duplicating pieces of a layout
> >
> >
> > I am not sure if this is relevant to what you are trying to do
> > specifically... But if I remember correctly the reference to Complex
> > hierarchy in the manual actually refers to the way it worked in 98... I
> > don't have my manual handy to check.
> >
> > Either way... if you haven't looked at this KB article you may want to
> give
> > it a glance.  It describes Complex hierarchy and the way the complex to
> > simple function works in 99 and 99SE.
> >
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Colby Siemer                        ** Custom Battery Chargers
> >                                            ** Custom Power Supplies
> > PowerStream Technology       ** Custom UPS
> > 140 S. Mountainway Drive      ** Custom DC/DC Converters
> > Orem Utah 84058                  ** Power management electronics for
> >
> >
> >
> >

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