----- Original Message -----
From: "Abd ul-Rahman Lomax" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Protel EDA Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 12:34 PM
Subject: Re: [PEDA] Protel's Good/Bad points (WAS:Using 3D)

> What might be interesting would be a survey in which we describe what we
> have in our systems, in terms of hardware and configuration, plus our
> experience with crashes. It might be possible to analyze such data to
> identify graphics cards, for example, that work, and those that don't.
> Right now, pretty much all that is collected, as data, is what systems
> problems, not what systems do *not* have problems. Without the controls,
> is hard to analyze the problems, one might be led down many blind alleys.

I discussed this issue with Altium during a phone inquiry. I asked Altium to
identify a standard test PC platform on which Protel demonstrably runs
without incident, and to specify the proper environment settings. At today's
prices, this platform should be readily reproducible, and would resolve the
"crash" issue. The response I got was that the software is tested on a
variety of different platforms in order to maximize compatibility with the
greatest number of platforms possible. But the idea of controls is valid. My
personal choice is a (publicized) formal certification procedure which
Protel would follow. Concerned users could run the same procedure on their
own PCs and report the results to Altium.

Fred A Rupinski

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