Chris Mackensen wrote:

> most of this memory stuff also has ECC (error correction code) of some sort
> that should be fault tolerant on the board/chip/asic level (not the
> software/application level)... I don't know much more about it, but if in
> the software, you assign a memory pointer incorrectly and then try to use
> it, you would very likely crash on the software/os level....
> I doubt it is the memory...  (I am running PC800 RDRAM on a 2GHz with no
> problems)

No, most machines sold today do NOT have ECC, or even parity!
Note, most memories are 32 bit, 64 bit, 128-bit widths, not
36-bit, 72-bit, etc., and do not have the extra bits to even carry the
parity check bits, no less ECC.


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