Tim, in my experience DXF problems with splines and arcs seem 
to be import round-off errors.

I've had some luck in regenerating the complex curve by manually re-entering 
the arcs by opening the original file in Autocad while the imported file is
in Protel, then editing the arcs one by one in Protel to match the exact
Radius, Start Angle and End Angle of each arc in the original ACAD boundary. 

Entering the exact numbers reported by ACAD for each arc seems to give 
Protel enough data to "connect the dots" with sufficient accuracy to force a 
continuous curve or spline. 

Pretty tedious, but it's worked in all the instances I've tried it on.


At 10:32 AM 2/28/02 -0400, you wrote:
>When I try to view my pcb in the 3D viewer I get the following message and
>then it just sits there, stares at me and won't let me press the ok button.
>"Board boundary is incomplete - calculated boundary will be used. Check that
>the boundary on the Keep Out layer is closed, with their track ends touching
>at their centers."
>The tracks appear to be touching, when I grab each end of them.
>FYI.. The pcb outline was am import from AutoCAD and has lots or arcs in it.
>Anybody had this message before?

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