
You want me to buy a lot of new stuff.  I don't think it's my responsibility
to single-handedly dig us out of the recession!  ;-)

Best regards,
Ivan Baggett
Bagotronix Inc.

----- Original Message -----
From: "vincent mail" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Protel EDA Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 1:35 PM
Subject: Re: [PEDA] Bizzare and Repeatable

> >
> >
> >OK, so how many more apps are we going to devote an entire machine to?
If I
> >did this, there would be no room in my office for me!  I already have 4
> >(Linux server, 486 hackbox, W2K CADzilla, W95 print server) on/under my
> >desk, 2 printers, and the usual test equipment (LA, scope, PS, etc.)!
> >they are all used each day.  The areas under and behind my desk look like
> >the aftermath of an explosion at a wire factory!
> >
> point taken and for small companies this is a problem . if i look around
> here we have dedicated computers for almost anything :
> Dedicated Sun Ultrasparcs to run Synopsys on , dedicated Ultrasparcs to
> run digital layout
> dedicated ultrasparcs to run analog layout , dedicated pc server to run
> mathlab , dedicated fileservers , dedicated printservers , dedicated
> machine to run simulations , dedicated CAD stations , and then
> everyone's desktop PC runs all the other junk ( office , internet,
> email, proect, etc ).
> And guess which machines i have most trouble with ? The desktop machine
> that barf up all the time all over the place because of 500 things
> running at the same time. The others very rarely get into trouble , and
> if they do its a hardware problem ( disk , mouse keyboard monitor ) or a
> true bug in the software and not something cause by another program
> interfering.with another
> Since you are really cramped from what i can make out r : Here is my
> optimisation : ( this is what i  actually do in our cramped 2500 square
> feet lab )
> Dump the w95 print server and use a networkable printer or a printserver
> box like made by netgear or use the linux box to serve the printers.
> Cadzilla can run protel.
> the hackpc remains the hackpc. ( everyone needs a pc with wires soldered
> on the motherboard , believe me , i do this all the time in the lab. NO
> joke ! )
> Use the linuxbox to surf the web.
> Use a KVM switch ( there are KVM's thatr can be controlled from the
> keyboard these days by hitting scroll lock twice followed by the number
> of the port you want to connect ) and get yourself a nice 18 inch LCD an
> a pendulum arm so you can move it out of the way when not needed. Get a
> wireless mouse and keyboard ( no more cables )
> Get slim tower cases and bolt them on a bearing mounted tray underneath
> the desk. They are out of the way and you can wheel them out when you
> need access to them.
> For the testequipment:. HP makes a real neat USB connected logic
> analyser. Or get one of their Infiniium MegaZoom machines. Tenma makes a
> very compact 3 channel power supply , function generator , multimeter
> and frequency counter in one box. You can stash all test equipment on a
> 19 inch wide space on top of each other with the lcd 'floating' in front
> of it. Need access to machines : push the lcd up, play with the
> connections and then move the lcd back down. The PC's are hanging
> underneath the table in the same spot. that leaves the rest of the desk
> area wide open for whatever board you are working on.
> The only machnine still on the desktop is the 'hack-pc'
> This is of course an enormous investment and for small labs it might be
> chaper to jst add another wing to it.
> >
> >I refuse to devote an entire machine to CAD only.  If that's the way CAD
> >software is designed, then to hell with it - that's poor design.
> >
> unfortunately that is the way 99 % of the software is designed ( not
> only cad software) . very few software vendors test the behaviour of
> their tool to when running togetehr with other programs. , and this is
> an impossible task to begin with you would have to try all versions all
> combination of any existing program.  The problem is the Os's are leaky
> and intermingle applications.
> And that DOES include Unix and Linux
> If we would be able to have virtual machines running that can not
> intermingle then a lot of problems would disappear.
> Again : It is sad to have to dedicate machines to one application , but
> until everybody starts writing clean applications that is what we have
> to do.
> >For what it's worth, Protel 99SE running on W2K works pretty well, no
> >resource limitations like in W9X.  Just don't switch the focus while 99SE
> >loading!  And don't select a non-existent network printer!
> >
> yep . the non existent printer. And who's fault is that ? protel ? No !
> Windows ! . Windows should not report non existing printer to protel.

> ive seen other programs report non existing printers.) , or have a
> hndler that dumps the printout to the bit-bucket and tells you to try
> again to an existing printer this time.
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>      _____________
>     /____________/  Vincent Himpe
>    // _____  ___/   Lab Manager
>   / \ \   / /  /    ST Microelectronics
>  /___\ \ / /  /     5510 Six Forks Road . Suite 200
> /______//_/__/      Raleigh NC 27612
>                     Tel : (919) 850 6070
>                     Fax : (919) 850 6689
>                     e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

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