Comment #15 on issue 493 by protobuf-java (2.5.0) GeneratedMessage#getUnknownFields() not implemented

protobuf requires that if you have some generated class G that was generated using protoc version V, then G must resolve the protobuf support classes at runtime to protobuf library version V.

So if you are distributing the generated code G, then have it declare a dependency on protobuf library version V. I thought this was the case you were describing above with hadoop-mapreduce; is this not what you meant?

If you are *building* G, then you need to make sure that the declared dependencies of G match the version of protoc you actually used. This isn't too hard to do with Ivy/Ant: I use an ivy module that provides an Ant task that builds with a particular protoc version, and a configuration with a transitive dependency on the matching runtime library version. I don't know about doing the equivalent with Maven.

In your example with OpenFoo, either (a) OpenFoo happens to use protobuf as an implementation detail, and you can use one of the approaches I suggested in my previous comment; or (b) OpenFoo exposes protobuf classes as part of the API you want to deal with in your main project, and you must make sure that all parts of that interacting system have the same version of protobuf - this _is_ the "can only use one version" case again. You have two options here: (1) use protobuf 2.4 for your project; (2) create or build a new version of OpenFoo that supports 2.5.

As far as I can see this really looks no different to any other case where you have two pieces of interacting code that want to use the same library, but there are incompatibilities in the two library versions that they want to use.

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