Wrote a stand-alone function for calculating the signature of a
version string.
Works from 0 to, where _ is any/no filler and S is
'a', 'b', 'g', 'r', or 'rc' [case-insensitive].

Tested it in both IE7 and FF2 (I don't have any others installed,

I'm sure it could use some revamping; so, let me know what you think.

Current test results:
900 : 0
0 : 0a
900 : 0h
201 :
99999999900 :
99999999899 :

1050000900 : 1.5.0
1050100801 : 1.5.1_rc1
1050100802 : 1.5.1_rc2
1050100803 : 1.5.1_rc3
1050100804 : 1.5.1_rc4
1050100900 : 1.5.1
1050101900 :
1050102900 :
1060000800 : 1.6.0_rc0
1060000801 : 1.6.0_rc1
1060000900 : 1.6.0
1060001900 :
1060002900 :

var Version = {
  signature : function (vstr) {
    // VVvvRRrrSss or VVvvRRBBSss
    // or: version, sub-version, release, revision or build, stage,
stage number

    var stages = {
      's' : 9,  // stable
      'r' : 8,  // release candidate
      'g' : 2,  // gamma
      'b' : 1,  // beta
      'a' : 0   // alpha
    var sig = 0;
    var vers = vstr === String(vstr) ? vstr : this.version;
    var vnum, rnum = /^\s*[0-9\.]+/;             // version number
    var vstg, rstg = /(r(c)?|g|b|a)[0-9]*\s*$/i; // version stage
    var vsch, vsnm;                              // version stage
character and number
    var vspl;                                    // version number

    if (!!vers.match(rnum)) {
      vnum = vers.match(rnum)[0];
      vstg = !!vers.match(rstg) ? vers.match(rstg)[0] : '';
      vsch = !vstg.match(/^[a-z]+/i) ? 's' : vstg.match(/^[a-z]+/i)
      vsnm = !vstg.match(/[0-9]+$/)  ? '0' : vstg.match(/[0-9]+$/);

      vspl = vnum.split('.').slice(0, 4);
      vspl = vspl.concat([0, 0, 0, 0].splice(0, (4 - vspl.length)));

      sig += (parseInt(vspl[0], 10) % 100) * Math.pow(10, 9);
      sig += (parseInt(vspl[1], 10) % 100) * Math.pow(10, 7);
      sig += (parseInt(vspl[2], 10) % 100) * Math.pow(10, 5);
      sig += (parseInt(vspl[3], 10) % 100) * Math.pow(10, 3);
      sig += (!!stages[vsch] ? stages[vsch] : 0) * 100;
      sig += parseInt(vsnm, 10) % 100;

    return sig;

- Jon L.

On Feb 11, 7:41 pm, "Jon L." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> An alternative could be to use the release date:
> var Prototype = {
>   Version: '',
>   Release: '01/25/2008'
>   ...
> };
> if(Date(Prototype.Release) >= Date('11/07/2007')) { // 1.6.0 (November
> 7, 2007)
>   ...
> }
> On Feb 11, 6:55 pm, tancurrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >    Build: '5234724'
> Be cautious with the use of strings.
> e.g. Prototype.Build >= '6102' returns false ('5' < '6').
> - Jon L.
> On Feb 11, 6:55 pm, tancurrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think using a build number is considerably easier to manipulate in
> > the code. Its considerably more specific that a version number.
> > But include both
> > var Prototype = {
> >    Build: '5234724',
> >    Version: '',
> >  ...
> > or
> > var Prototype = {
> >    Build: '5234724', // v1.6.0.3
> >  ...
> > I can actually think when I'm going to need to call the
> > Prototype.Version for my code. Let the librarys match it easier.
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