On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 4:53 AM, joneff <jon...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It's worth noting that (!aString) is more or less equal to
> (String.isUndefinedOrNullOrEmpty) than it is equal to (String.isEmpty).

It just means developers have to know the difference between "!
aString" and "aString == ''".  'Don't think that changes the "reality-
check" questions.

> Also, since we have no type hinting, (!aString) will work easily with
> objects, strings, numbers, booleans and basically everything, where as
> (String.isEmpty), or any string method for that matter, should throw an
> argument exception when receiving different type of arguments.

Good point... although that laxness is part of the charm of javascript
and (for me) is more of an advantage than a hindrance.

Note, too, that by that same logic there should be functions for all
sorts of native JS operators.  Boolean#isFalse/isTrue, Number#add/
multiply...etc.   It's a slippery slope.

> At the same time (!aString/anArray.length) are perfect examples of JS
> magic in use. But then, the logical question is why use
> (Object.isFunction) over (typeof object === "function")?

You're right, this sort of thing is always a judgement call.  But to
address your specific question, I see isFunction as offering several
concrete advantages that isEmpty() lacks:
  - isFunction() is noticeably more compact than it's native
  - isFunction() avoids the all-too-frequent and insidious bug that
happens when you misspell "function" (e.g. "typeof object == 'fuction'
is always false).
  - it centralizes a non-trivial test that may be improved in the
future.  (Specifically, some platforms will return a typeof 'object'
for functions defined in other windows, which breaks the current
isFunction() implementation).

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