This! I second this!

> I can imagine a stripped down version of Prototype that
> has none of the DOM manipulation so it can coexist with all other
> libraries and avoid dulicated features, and instead provide more of
> those essentials like Enumerable and Class.

I've always seen Prototype JS as the library that tried to address the
needs of JS as a language. Wasn't that the motto or at least one of
the "features" touted when people started noticing it? Then jQuery
came about and people began wondering why they could do all these
fancy things with the DOM and UI that Prototype seemed lacking in.
With Scriptaculous and Scripty2 we've made decent progress; but I
honestly think that wagon has come and gone. When it comes to UI a
large number of people first turn to jQuery. When I have to think of
logic (how to do something) I try to think Prototype first, but if
it's at all dealing with the UI jQuery takes over. The problem with
duplicated functionality not only exists when it comes to the UI but
in other areas as well. Stuff like String#Include, AJAX, and selectors
are only some examples.

To recap: If Prototype JS can be re-written so it can coexist with all
other libraries and avoided duplicated features, and began to address
the native problems with the JS language, it has a very good chance of
picking up the attention it once had.

On Sep 26, 9:03 am, clockworkgeek <>
> I also enjoy using Prototype's methodology and would gladly contribute
> to keep it alive if the core team pull their weight too. For example
> some pull requests on github are over a year old! In fact, I volunteer
> to help clear the backlog. As one of the top prototype users on
> stackoverflow ( I
> am capable of the necessary level of commitment. Please allow us all
> to assist.
> As to the future of the library I agree that jQuery has "won" the
> battle by attrition but is woefully underachieving in the language
> enhancements. I can imagine a stripped down version of Prototype that
> has none of the DOM manipulation so it can coexist with all other
> libraries and avoid dulicated features, and instead provide more of
> those essentials like Enumerable and Class.

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