On Sep 30, 3:58 am, Marty Amberg <mar...@edenstreet.com> wrote:
> Might have been asleep during my previous google searches  but I found
> tj's  sitehttp://proto-scripty.wikidot.comtoday which seems like
> answers questions of what I would want  and think  prototype needs to
> grow.    No sense in reinventing something that is there which is what  
> I ahd  posted before.  A place for solid examples and other useful things.

Yeah, http://proto-scripty.wikidot.com is something people can use.
Not really "my" site, it's meant to be the community's. Before he
disappeared, Tobie was talking about migrating that content into the
new prototypejs.org site hosted on GitHub (where it's easy for anyone
to contribute via pull-request), which I think was and is a great
idea. WikiDot has gotten very aggressive with ads and most programmers
know enough markdown that it's familiar to them.

On Sep 30, 2:43 am, ncubica <ncub...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ok ... So T.J. I know you not have the ultimate decision for designate
> a candidate for any position at Prototype community but certanly you
> are the most near with the core team. So I would like to know if you
> could email one of them and try to start designate person for
> revitalize this community...

Andrew reads the list and of course anyone can send him an email
directly, but sure, I'll drop him a note calling his attention to this
T.J. Crowder
Independent Software Engineer
tj / crowder software / com
www / crowder software / com

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