I was thinking today that besides better documentation, It be nice having a site where one can go and download actual rl examples. I could imagine a table type web page where one can view commands and code snippets. Maybe it is out there somewhere already but I love to see a place where if I wanted a popup for a page I could find one or if I want to see a page full of classes processed and by clicking on the command you could get all of this. There is no doubt that I am not a coding genus and have problems sometimes grasping exactly how to do something and end up googling till I find a good enough example. I read someones comments from a while ago and the complaint was that the documentation was there but very sparse. I can certainly donate the server and space and time to the cause. One more thing. Chevy and Ford and Honda, make lots of cars but that does not mean they produce the best vehicles. It be much for fun driving a Ferrari and they don't make as many. The point being, just cause something is popular does not mean its the best and there are a lot of other frameworks out there..

Thanks folks

On 9/26/2011 9:03 AM, clockworkgeek wrote:
I also enjoy using Prototype's methodology and would gladly contribute
to keep it alive if the core team pull their weight too. For example
some pull requests on github are over a year old! In fact, I volunteer
to help clear the backlog. As one of the top prototype users on
stackoverflow (http://stackoverflow.com/tags/prototypejs/topusers) I
am capable of the necessary level of commitment. Please allow us all
to assist.

As to the future of the library I agree that jQuery has "won" the
battle by attrition but is woefully underachieving in the language
enhancements. I can imagine a stripped down version of Prototype that
has none of the DOM manipulation so it can coexist with all other
libraries and avoid dulicated features, and instead provide more of
those essentials like Enumerable and Class.

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