Hello everyone,

Im having this odd problem on on my Dell Dimension 4300 (running RedHat 8.0 installed from scratch), the scroll wheel of my Logitech Optical mouse dosen't want to work (the rest of the mouse works fine)! I have tried the same mouse on other RedHat 8.0 and it works. I tried all the configuration tools/parameters for the XF86Config file I could find but it still won't work. I'm using the IMPS/2 protocol and the /dev/mouse device in X. I tried the mouse on both the USB and the PS/2 port and got the same result. I also tried a different Logitech wheel mouse... The problem seems to be linked directly to that PC (the wheel works in windose on that PC)! I'm not sure what to try next... I'm hopping some some of you could illuminate me!


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