Hello Slau,
Thanks much as always great info. I don't own a control surface yet, The second 
hand 003 was sold before I knew it :-( I am considering an Alphatrack which 
Kevin Reeves suggested. Isn't it possible to create an insertion without a 
control surface?
Op 28 feb 2011, om 16:40 heeft Slau Halatyn het volgende geschreven:

> Hi ronald,
> On Feb 28, 2011, at 10:23 AM, RvR wrote:
>> Can anyone tell me why I cannot cut or copy a selected range on an 
>> audiotrack? I can cut or copy when selecting the whole range with command+a.
> In order to cut, copy or paste audio, there needs to be an insertion point 
> within a visible track. A sighted person would click with the selector Tool 
> or grabber Tool. Scrubbing or shuttling within a track automatically creates 
> an insertion point. So, if you have a control surface with a scrub/shuttle 
> wheel, simply scrub or shuttle momentarily and then proceed with s6electing 
> audio for editing. If an insertion point isn't created, the range specified 
> for editing simply highlights the ruler without selecting any audio.
>> Is an edit selection something different than a record or play selection?
> It can be, if the Edit and Timeline aren't linked. For 99 percent of users, 
> there's no need to unlink the edit and Timeline. Make sure it's linked. Under 
> the Options menu you'll see an item for that and it should be checked.
>> And I wonder if the inserteon function with arrow down and up should be 
>> working always? Cause it doesn't seem to work here.
> It does work all the time but, again, one must have an insertion point within 
> a track for it to work for editing. Otherwise, all you're doing by using down 
> arrow and up arrow is making a selection in the ruler. Scrub or shuttle first 
> and then the arrows will make selections within the track and you can edit.
>> Also got mixed results with the numpad keys slash to enter ragnes. Sometimes 
>> the star key seems to do the trick though.
> The asterisk key will highlight the Main counter parameter. since Edit and 
> Timeline are linked, entering a value for the Main counter automatically 
> enters that same value in the Start field. Make sure that when you're 
> entering values in Start and End, you press Enter on the num pad to complete 
> the selection process. Same thing applies to just entering a Main counter 
> value. Press Asterisk, enter the value and press enter on the Num pad.
> Hope that helps,
> Slau

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