
This sounds like a great idea and I am looking forward to listening.
Keith Reedy
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Bibles For The Blind.

God gives His best to those who leave the choice with Him.  J Hudson Taylor.

On Mar 19, 2011, at 2:35 AM, Kevin Reeves wrote:

> Hey folks. While cleaning my apartment at 4 in the morning, I turned on the 
> iPod and did about an hour or so worth of stream of consciousness chatting 
> regarding Pro Tools. I go through it's back story on how we got where we are 
> now, and tried to answer the 2 main questions that everyone's posing right 
> now.
> 1. How accessible is it, ie, what can I do with it.
> 2. How much better or worse is it than Sonar.
> I think that a tutorial is important, but like everyone else, the time it 
> takes is really daunting. So, for now, I'm gonna throw up some really 
> informal things just to get some dialog started. Maybe I'll even do some 
> quick recording of me working on a session so that folks can get an idea of 
> how Pro Tools operates in a real world situation. This might be better than 
> trying to plan out a huge tutorial. At least this would give potential 
> switchers a chance to hear it in action, allow me to discuss what I'm doing 
> while I'm doing it, and be able to see what I'm able to accomplish. But for 
> now, enjoy this discussion. It will be appearing on Blind Cool Tech soon. 
> I've uploaded it to their servers.
> Thanks so much, and I hope this sort of sheds some light for folks who have 
> not yet made the decision to get a rig.
> Kevin

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