Lordy lordy, can't believe I didn't know that. Really must RTFM one of
these days, perhaps after I've finished adding up the total number of
hours I've aged waiting for bounces to finish.


On 10/24/11, Slau Halatyn <slauhala...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yep, exporting means it's a file process while bouncing means it's a
> real-time process.
> HTH,
> Slau
> On Oct 23, 2011, at 6:55 PM, Scott Chesworth wrote:
>> Hey Slau,
>> If you use the Export Regions command, is there an option to export
>> quicker than realtime?
>> Not gonna be in front of PT for a few weeks, but I had to ask in case
>> I forgot to check when I get home. Bouncing in realtime drives me
>> nuts, never considered that there'd be another way to do it other than
>> using the Bounce To Disk dialog.
>> Cheers
>> Scott
>> On 10/23/11, Slau Halatyn <slauhala...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> First, consolidate each track's regions into one new continuous region by
>>> using the Option-Shift-3 command on the numbers row. Do this for each
>>> track
>>> for which you wish to export complete files. Select all the tracks you
>>> wish
>>> to export, press Command-a to select the entire session and use the
>>> Export
>>> Regions command which is Command-Shift-k. There you'll have a dialog with
>>> various options. the rest should be easy.
>>> HTH,
>>> Slau

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