Hi, I have a normal pro tools system and yes I just checked and it is 10.2 but I am able to add reverb just fine using an aux track. In order to down grade back to 10 do I have to uninstall everything and reinstall as I would like to save my preferences so I don't have to reset them? Nick Gawronski

On 6/6/2012 1:40 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

If you go to the protools menu in the menu bar, is there an about Pro

Also, are you on standard PT, or do you have PT HD or something of the


----- Original Message ----- From: "Nick Gawronski"
To: <ptaccess@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: I am not! happy! PT 10.2 Accessibility is broken badly!

Hi, The last update I got I believe said 10.2 in the download file
name what method can I use in pro tools to check what version I am
running? Nick Gawronski

On 6/5/2012 9:57 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
OK NIck, but are you on 10.2, or are you on just 10.0? I don't think
things really completely broke until 10.2.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Nick Gawronski"
To: <ptaccess@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: I am not! happy! PT 10.2 Accessibility is broken badly!

Hi, I am on 10 and have installed all updates that have come out and
have been able to do things like add reverb to tracks as well as
change the settings for the plugins like the wet and dry settings. I
am also able to use the presets in the reverb plugins and so am not
totally sure what plugins are having these accessibility issues. I
really think we should write avid about these issues as if we don't
make them aware of them they might break them even more. If they are
doing any demos of products near where you live I think you should go
to the demos and talk to them about the accessibility issues as if we
can show them in person what issues we have they will probably will
understand better about the accessibility and get it fixed. As
voiceover is built into the mac I see no real excuse as to why
accessibility should be ignored at this point. Nick Gawronski

On 6/4/2012 9:11 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
I just hope that Sweetwater will be willing to refund me, seeing
that I
am on the 3 easy payments.

I do have a 10.0 dvd that I downloaded from the tiral. Didn't really
play much with it but would my Ilok assett work with it as well as
Do you think Sweetwater could instead of upgrading me to 10.0, just
upgrade me to full fledged 9.0.5? I really don't wanna be tied to m


----- Original Message ----- From: "Kevin Reeves"
To: <ptaccess@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 9:56 PM
Subject: Re: I am not! happy! PT 10.2 Accessibility is broken badly!

The problem is, avid moves to a proprietary plug-in format called
We've all noticed that these AA X plug-ins are now broken. I'm not
sure what to do about this, but that is the reason that I'm not
upgrading to 10 yet. Because I had a demo of 10, and noticed that half
of the plug-ins didn't work that were a a x Hence why I'm sticking

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 4, 2012, at 9:08 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"
<clgillan...@gmail.com> wrote:

OK, either I am doing something royally wrong, I'm just totally!
profusely stupid, or something...

I! just upgraded to PT 10.2. This isn't M P like i had before.
This is
the full PT 10.2 standard.

I'm finding that over half the plugins that natively come with PT do
not read any longer hardly at all, I can't click the librarian menus
in hardly any of the plugins, unless I literally route my mouse
pointer, then actually not jsut vo+space, but full on click with
vo+shift+space. Then, I can't reach any of the perametors to make
tuned ajustments, rather than helping my vocals, it made them sound
God aweful right out of the box, as it literally cut automatically so
much of the low end that not only did it just naturally with no
processing cut all the mud out, it cut so! much out that now my
are ear bleeding piercing! I thought with the e q 3/7 band plugin, I
could maybe notch up the lows around 200hz a bit, but nope? I can't
get to a single one of the controls in the plugin. If I press
on a plugin window, it doesn't seem to close. Instead it just shits
there and does nothing. Routing the mouse pointer then doing
vo+shift+space isn't working either. If I hit command W, it closes
window behind it, which generally is the mix window, instead of
closing the plugin. Pressing shift+R, shift+S, or shift+M on any
selected tracks isn't working. Within a plugin the plugin combo box
window is reported the incorrect plugin that is loaded. It's saying
something about plugin package A A something or another native. The
truth! is I actually! have the 3/7 band e Q window up instead.

What the hell! is the deal! This R'r'r'r'really! pisses me off
something fierce!

Lookat: I got a band coming to do a real late night recording
I can't do anything! They refuse to use p t 9 as some of the gear
use isn't compatible with my old m p 9 so I can't just reinstall
Yeah? Of course! I restarted Voiceover. many? Many! times. It did no

I even restarted my whole macbook, with no help.

I'm on 10.7.4 Lion.

What! on earth!

If this is how pt's gonna become and evolve to, then I"m gowen
back to
Sonar! LOL! This is ridiculous!

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