Hi all,

ok, this is just an idea, maybe we should consider all advices/opinions/ideas 
before start this important petition…

I would be really interested in Slau's opinion, because we can consider him as 
the most experienced person in having relationships with Avid; I read his 
opinion about accessibility development in pt some weeks ago and I agreed 
enough…But what about this new situation?

If things are really as they seems to be (I trust everyone, but I think I am 
the least-experienced pt user and I cannot give good advices about this 
problem) this is really a nightmare for every blind protools user…

On the other hand, however, I have to say that 2 or 3 days ago Chuck talked 
about some midi-features that he uses with protools…So is this a new pt-feature 
became accessible in PT 10? Or what else? Or did I misunderstand everything?

Let's consider much more ideas first, after that we could decide how to create 
the petition (I already have an idea! ;)).

This is just my advice, I hope it was clear and understandable and, most of 
all, I hope this message isn't offensive to anyone; if it is I hope you can 
excuse me…My English isn't so good and sometimes I am not able to say what I 
really would like to!


Il giorno 05/giu/2012, alle ore 15:07, Christopher-Mark Gilland ha scritto:

> How do we even make an online patition?  I'd not know where to start.
> Chris.
> ----- Original Message -----
> To: ptaccess@googlegroups.com
> Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 8:40 AM
> Subject: Re: I am not! happy! PT 10.2 Accessibility is broken badly!
> I'll sign it! :)
> The squeaky wheel gets the grease! ;)
> BTW I'm on PT version 9.3 with Snow leopard and staying there until the smoke 
> clears! 
> soundpicturerecord...@gmail.com
> www.SoundPictureRecording.com
> In GOD I Trust
> On Jun 5, 2012, at 7:44 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
>> I totally agree!  Slau?  What is your advice seeing you are working very 
>> heavily, apparently with them on accessibility issues.  Oh, and thank you 
>> for that by the way.  NO seriously, I'm not being sarcastic, I really 
>> genuinely mean it.
>> I'd be happy to start the petition, but where then do I take it when we get 
>> enough sigs?
>> BTW, would you also believe I can't even go back to mp9.  I forfitted my 
>> M-Powered 9 ilok license when I got pt 10.  Avid refuse to help when I 
>> called them.  All they gave me was get another ILok, and get another mp9 
>> license which we can sell you.
>> I wanted to say every word in the english book to them at that point plus 
>> spit in their face!  How dare! they say that to me, after all the effort I 
>> put forth to get PT in the first place.  I don't think my church would be 
>> very happy at all seeing they're the ones who paid for both my macbook, and 
>> my ProTools to start with, if they found out about this.  If anyone has mp 
>> 9.05 and isn't using it, and is willing to transfer their asset, as they've 
>> upgraded, may I add, with another iloc so as not to lose the 9.0 asset, let 
>> me know.  I may wind up having no choice.
>> I'm warning you all now: 10.0 still works to a point, although there are 
>> some noticeable problems.  Not many, but just enough for me to be deal 
>> breakers.  Speaking a which, no one ever told me that PT 10.2 took more ram 
>> than mp9.  Seeing I only got 2GB, and cannot afford to upgrade?  I barely 
>> could afford the 3 easy payments through Sweet Water to Crossgrade to PT 10, 
>> let alone, that.
>> I just hope my agent there can think of something to do in order to 
>> compensate for my loss, as I'm one angry! son of a gun right about now!
>> Chris.

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