OK, so you can solo if everything is routed to outputs 1 & 2?

On Sep 15, 2012, at 10:45 PM, HF wrote:

> OK, I managed to get this far and still I can't solo or mute individual 
> tracks.
> 1. Show all tracks
> 2. Went through each individual track and made sure that none of them said 
> off-solo safe. All of them said solo.
> 3. Made all of the groups inactive
> Still can't solo or mute individual tracks. I would like to understand what 
> they did. If I make all of the tracks output to 1/2 stereo, I can indeed solo 
> or mute individual tracks. I would like to understand how the routing works.
> HF
> On 9/9/2012 10:55 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:
>> Herman,
>> Just a few things to make sure:
>> The all group should be off because it'll screw with your ability to solo. 
>> In addition, all aux tracks should be solo safe. Display only aux tracks and 
>> systematically make sure they're all solo safe. Beyond that, soloing any 
>> audio track should work. Let us know how it goes.
>> Slau
>> On Sep 9, 2012, at 9:09 PM, Herman Fermin wrote:
>>> Some of the tracks were on "off solo safe". When I held the command
>>> key and clicked they just became normal solo buttons. Or at least that
>>> is what I understand anyway.
>>> I'm still not able to solo or mute individual tracks.
>>> I looked at the groups in case I could figure out something from
>>> there. I made the all group active and and made the rest of the groups
>>> inactive and still can't solo or mute individual tracks.
>>> On 9/9/12, Slau Halatyn <slauhala...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Herman,
>>>> It's possible that the auxiliary tracks are not "solo safe," that is, when
>>>> any track is being soloed, the rest of the tracks are solo muted, including
>>>> the aux tracks. Solo muting is different from engaging a regular mute.
>>>> Actually, the process of soloing is really like muting all other tracks but
>>>> in an automated way. If you solo safe the aux track by Command-clicking its
>>>> solo button, it will not mute when any solo button is engaged. Give it a
>>>> try. That might be the solution.
>>>> Slau
>>>> On Sep 9, 2012, at 7:04 PM, HF wrote:
>>>>> Perhaps my confusion might help someone else. I have a really complicated
>>>>> session that I will try to detail below. I don't understand why I cannot
>>>>> solo individual tracks. If I send all of the outputs to stereo 1/2, only
>>>>> then can I solo individual one's. But the routing is what is throwing me.
>>>>> I get it, I understand why it was done this way but I don't get why I
>>>>> can't just solo or mute individual tracks and hear that change. Right now
>>>>> only one track is playing, it's the full mix aux track which is being sent
>>>>> out to 1/2 stereo. Only two other tracks are muted the instrumental track
>>>>> and the TV mix track. Hopefully someone else here understands this and can
>>>>> explain. It's pretty complicated and I hope I do this justice. As I
>>>>> explain, I'm only dealing with the audio in and audio out for each track.
>>>>> All are buses except the three tracks that are being sent via the
>>>>> interface, 1/2 stereo.
>>>>> all drums, output to drums aux
>>>>> drums aux, input drums, output band buss
>>>>> bass and guitars, output band buss
>>>>> Lead vocals, output lead vocals bus
>>>>> background vocals, output background vocals buss
>>>>> band aux, input band buss,  outputs mix bus, no lead vocals bus, no
>>>>> background vocals bus
>>>>> Lead vocals aux, input lead vocals buss and output mix buss
>>>>> Background vocals aux, input background vocals buss, output is mix buss
>>>>> and no lead vocals bus
>>>>> mix aux, input mix and output full mix buss
>>>>> No Lead vocals aux, input no lead vocals  bus, output TV mix
>>>>> No background aux,input no background vocals bus, output instrument track
>>>>> full mix aux, input full mix and output 1/2 stereo
>>>>> TV mix aux, input TV buss and output 1/2 stereo
>>>>> instrument track aux, input instrument buss and output 1/2 stereo
>>>>> HF

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