Yes. When everything sent out to 1/2 stereo, I can solo/mute at will and here my changes. The routing that I have within the session makes sense. At least on paper. But...When trying to work with it, I don't get it because soloing/muting should work? Shouldn't it?

On 9/16/2012 8:00 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:
OK, so you /can/ solo if everything is routed to outputs 1 & 2?

On Sep 15, 2012, at 10:45 PM, HF wrote:

OK, I managed to get this far and still I can't solo or mute
individual tracks.
1. Show all tracks
2. Went through each individual track and made sure that none of them
said off-solo safe. All of them said solo.
3. Made all of the groups inactive

Still can't solo or mute individual tracks. I would like to understand
what they did. If I make all of the tracks output to 1/2 stereo, I can
indeed solo or mute individual tracks. I would like to understand how
the routing works.

On 9/9/2012 10:55 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

Just a few things to make sure:
The all group should be off because it'll screw with your ability to
solo. In addition, all aux tracks should be solo safe. Display only
aux tracks and systematically make sure they're all solo safe. Beyond
that, soloing any audio track should work. Let us know how it goes.


On Sep 9, 2012, at 9:09 PM, Herman Fermin wrote:

Some of the tracks were on "off solo safe". When I held the command
key and clicked they just became normal solo buttons. Or at least that
is what I understand anyway.

I'm still not able to solo or mute individual tracks.

I looked at the groups in case I could figure out something from
there. I made the all group active and and made the rest of the groups
inactive and still can't solo or mute individual tracks.

On 9/9/12, Slau Halatyn <
<>> wrote:
Hi Herman,

It's possible that the auxiliary tracks are not "solo safe," that
is, when
any track is being soloed, the rest of the tracks are solo muted,
the aux tracks. Solo muting is different from engaging a regular mute.
Actually, the process of soloing is really like muting all other
tracks but
in an automated way. If you solo safe the aux track by
Command-clicking its
solo button, it will not mute when any solo button is engaged. Give
it a
try. That might be the solution.


On Sep 9, 2012, at 7:04 PM, HF wrote:

Perhaps my confusion might help someone else. I have a really
session that I will try to detail below. I don't understand why I
solo individual tracks. If I send all of the outputs to stereo
1/2, only
then can I solo individual one's. But the routing is what is
throwing me.
I get it, I understand why it was done this way but I don't get why I
can't just solo or mute individual tracks and hear that change.
Right now
only one track is playing, it's the full mix aux track which is
being sent
out to 1/2 stereo. Only two other tracks are muted the
instrumental track
and the TV mix track. Hopefully someone else here understands this
and can
explain. It's pretty complicated and I hope I do this justice. As I
explain, I'm only dealing with the audio in and audio out for each
All are buses except the three tracks that are being sent via the
interface, 1/2 stereo.

all drums, output to drums aux
drums aux, input drums, output band buss
bass and guitars, output band buss
Lead vocals, output lead vocals bus
background vocals, output background vocals buss
band aux, input band buss,  outputs mix bus, no lead vocals bus, no
background vocals bus
Lead vocals aux, input lead vocals buss and output mix buss
Background vocals aux, input background vocals buss, output is mix
and no lead vocals bus
mix aux, input mix and output full mix buss
No Lead vocals aux, input no lead vocals  bus, output TV mix
No background aux,input no background vocals bus, output
instrument track
full mix aux, input full mix and output 1/2 stereo
TV mix aux, input TV buss and output 1/2 stereo
instrument track aux, input instrument buss and output 1/2 stereo


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