Ooh 'ello 'ello, this would be enough to get me back into Pro Tools
for tightening up instruments again I think.

Thanks for sharing as always.

On 9/26/14, Kevin Reeves <reeves...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for this. This is a huge one for me as well, as I like to work in
> increments of 20 ticks or so when crossfading edits.
> Thanks man.
> Kevin
> On Sep 26, 2014, at 12:27 PM, Slau Halatyn <slauhala...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Folks,
>> One of the features for which I've been campaigning on the accessibility
>> with on the Pro Tools front has been the nudge value field. In earlier
>> versions of Pro Tools, it was not specifically accessible but one could at
>> least press the button, type a value, press Return and at least the custom
>> field was entered and one could go about their business with the new nudge
>> value. Now, if you don't know why a custom nudge value is important, never
>> mind for now and trust me when I say that it'll save your ass at some
>> point, guaranteed.
>> well, in Pro Tools 11, the interface changed a bit and now at least we
>> could see the Nudge Controls button which popped up the format selection
>> and default values. Thing is, now we couldn't enter the custom value. I
>> submitted a bug report and nothing seemed to change because other items
>> like the MIDI Event List took precedence, understandably.
>> Well, only yesterday, I stumbled upon what I can only call a discovery,
>> for lack of a better word because it was truly hidden. Unfortunately, a
>> bit of a misnomer was incorporated when one of the programmers worked on
>> the nudge and grid controls. In the edit window, there is a Grid/Nudge
>> cluster. That naming convention was inherited from the initial work of PT
>> accessibility in version 8. When interacting, you find 3 items labeled
>> "Show Grid Lines" (which is either selected or not), "Grid Controls
>> button" and "Nudge Controls button" Clicking on the first button toggles
>> its state of either showing or not showing grid lines in the timeline.
>> Clicking either of the two remaining buttons pops up a list of formats and
>> default values as mentioned earlier.
>> Yesterday, as I was making a macro to double-click on the nudge value
>> field to at least be able to once again enter custom nudge values, I
>> needed to quickly navigate to the Nudge Control button and so I brought up
>> the Item Chooser list and typed n u d g e. Surprisingly, the list
>> contained several items rather than just the one I was expecting. It
>> contained a text field labeled "Nudge" and a numeric field labeled "Nudge
>> value." I had never seen this before and was stunned. To my astonishment,
>> having selected the nudge value field, I purposely stopped interacting
>> with the control to see where it was nested. To my surprise, it was nested
>> in the "Nudge Controls button." Well, of course, a VoiceOver user would
>> never think to interact with a button because that's not the function of a
>> button. In fact, upon retrying with another session, simply navigating to
>> the Nudge Controls button and interacting with it simply interacts with
>> the title of the button itself rather than its alleged contents. Bringing
>> up the Item Chooser, however, indeed exposes the hidden controls. Further,
>> once accessed, interacting and exiting interaction with the button seems
>> to traverse the levels repeatedly.
>> Bottom line is, if you need to type a custom nudge value, and I promise
>> you, you will at some point, use the Item Chooser to get to the Nudge
>> Value numeric field, click once and type the custom value, hit Return and
>> be on your way.
>> This is an issue of nomenclature mostly but also the non-standard manner
>> in which a control was defined. It's really not a button but a group of
>> controls or a cluster, if you will. So, it's confusing until you know what
>> it truly is. I'm explaining this so that, when others ask, more people on
>> the list know about this quirk. That said, I'm relieved that the issue of
>> access to the nudge value was addressed, albeit in a non-standard way,
>> because it's truly one of the quality-of-life issues that kept me from
>> moving to Pro Tools 11 full time. For me, this was a big one. There are a
>> few others that are being addressed in beta that will be resolved soon,
>> I'm sure.
>> Anyway, just sharing the info.
>> Slau
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