Christopher Hylands wrote:

I'm assuming by a contour plot you mean the classic weathermap where
areas of like temperatures all have the same color.

Yes.  Or even just wire frame countour lines on a 3d scene.

Ptplot does not support contour plots.  In principle it could be
extended, to support contour plots, but it would take quite a bit of

The Matlab demo in Ptolemy II 2.0.1 at
ptII/ptolemy/matlab/demo/MatlabExpression/MatlabExpression.xml the
Matlab surf() function to do a 3d plot.

So yes, using Matlab would be best way to proceed.

For what I'm looking for it is a bit of a sledge hammer to drive a nail, at least
at the > $1000 level for several people...

I wonder if some hack of creating a or taking
the PolyCylinder3D and adding a second polygon for the top edge of the cylinder
would permit something simplistic? Just a thought.



   Has anyone out there built a contour plotter?  Or do
   people depend on MatLab for this?


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