I'm not sure about using Java 3D for a contour plot.
It would likely work, but I'm no Java 3D expert.
It would be very cool though.

Another solution would be to modify ptplot so that a dataset
represented the border of a range to be plotted and then color the
areas appropriately.  This sounds like quite a bit of work, 
and would result in a 2D contour plot, but compared to the work of
getting Java 3d to have axis labels etc., this is probably faster than
using using Java 3D.

Another method would be to create an actor that would connect to 
gnuplot or Octave.  

Gnuplot looks like it might support contour plots.

Octave is a free Matlab like tool.  I have no idea if Octave has a
contour plotter.  Last time I looked at Octave, it was a fairly large
package and sort of a bear to build.

If Matlab is not available, of the above possibilities, I think the
right thing to do would be to try to write an interface to Gnuplot.

Looking at the ptolemy.matlab code that uses JNI would be the place to


> >I'm assuming by a contour plot you mean the classic weathermap where
> >areas of like temperatures all have the same color.
> >
> Yes.  Or even just wire frame countour lines on a 3d scene.
> >
> >Ptplot does not support contour plots.  In principle it could be
> >extended, to support contour plots, but it would take quite a bit
> >of effort.
> >
> >The Matlab demo in Ptolemy II 2.0.1 at
> >ptII/ptolemy/matlab/demo/MatlabExpression/MatlabExpression.xml the
> >Matlab surf() function to do a 3d plot.
> >
> >So yes, using Matlab would be best way to proceed.
> >
> For what I'm looking for it is a bit of a sledge hammer to drive a nail, 
> at least
> at the > $1000 level for several people...
> I wonder if some hack of creating a
> ptolemy.domains.gr.lib.PolyLine3D or taking the PolyCylinder3D and
> adding a second polygon for the top edge of the cylinder would
> permit something simplistic?  Just a thought.
> >
> >-Christopher
> >
> >--------
> >
> >    Has anyone out there built a contour plotter?  Or do
> >    people depend on MatLab for this?
> >
> Jim

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