I am using PtolemyII 6.0.2. I am facing a caching of changes issue while
discarding the changes done in a model which is saved in a path having
spaces in between.

For example :
1) Create a model model.xml in "New Folder" (eg: c:/New Folder/model.xml)
2) make some changes in the c:/New Folder/model.xml
3) Close the c:/New Folder/model.xml.
4) Click on "Discard changes" when promted
5) Re-open the c:/New Folder/model.xml
6) Despite I discarded the changes, the changes are reflected.

This problem arises when the model is saved in a folder having spaces in
between its path. In case I rename the folder to NewFolder then the problem
doesn't appear.

Even if I overwrite the c:/New Folder/model.xml with another model.xml, then
also on re-opening I face this issue.

Avneet Kapoor

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