This is the right place to post questions about ptplot.

In general, an applet should never freeze your computer.
If it does, it is a bug with the OS and with the JDK.

[I might argue that one definition of an operating system is a system
that prevents user level programs from hanging freezing the computer,
but that is a different kettle of fish :-)]

I suspect that you are running Windows 95/98?

I've seen a fair amount of misbehaviour with applications and 95/98
which ended up require a reboot.  If you are indeed running 95/98, and
you have access to a modern operating system, such as Linux or NT or
Windows 2000 you might try reproducing the bug there.

You don't mention which version of ptplot you are running, so it is
difficult for me to diagnose the problem.  The applet portion of
Ptplot3.1 will compile with JDK1.1.x, but the application portion uses
Swing, so Ptplot3.1 is easiest to compile with JDK 1.2.2

The applet portion and the application portion of the version of
Ptplot that is shipped with Ptolemy II 0.4beta requires Swing, so
it is fairly tricky to get it to compile under JDK1.1 - you should
just use JDK1.2

BTW - The Ptplot version in Ptolemy II0.4beta has a problem with
deadlocking in applets, I'm working on a fix for that now.

I'm not familiar with Jbuilder, so I can't comment on it.

If you are running Ptplot2.1, you might try upgrading to 3.1.
Also, try running the applets on the Ptolemy Ptplot web page
and see if you can narrow the bug down to a particular version.

If you are still having problems, let me know what OS you are running,
what versions of IE and Netscape Navigator you tried, what version of
ptplot you tried, and whether you were able to reproduce the problem
with web pages on the Ptolemy website.

Let me know how it goes.

    Sorry if this is not the right place to post this problem.  I know of no
    other.  I am trying to use ptplot in an applet and it freezes the
    compouter (no mouse, etc.) with both IE and Netscape in MS Windows. 
    This happens with most systems but not all.  One computer can
    successfully view the pages containing the applets.  I have tried
    compiling ptplot with 1.1.8 in jbuilder 3 and still no difference.
    david koski

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