Christopher Hylands wrote:
> This is the right place to post questions about ptplot.
> In general, an applet should never freeze your computer.
> If it does, it is a bug with the OS and with the JDK.
> [I might argue that one definition of an operating system is a system
> that prevents user level programs from hanging freezing the computer,
> but that is a different kettle of fish :-)]
> I suspect that you are running Windows 95/98?

Yes, I am (blush) running Windows 98.  That is unfortunately the
platform we must develop for.  One could argue then that it is not an
operating system, heh.

> I've seen a fair amount of misbehaviour with applications and 95/98
> which ended up require a reboot.  If you are indeed running 95/98, and
> you have access to a modern operating system, such as Linux or NT or
> Windows 2000 you might try reproducing the bug there.

I did try OS/2 (and I think Linux.. I don't have X here at work but I do
at home).  With the latest Netscape in OS/2 it doesn't crash but the
scrolling bar does not work with three ptplot applets positioned

> You don't mention which version of ptplot you are running, so it is
> difficult for me to diagnose the problem.  The applet portion of
> Ptplot3.1 will compile with JDK1.1.x, but the application portion uses
> Swing, so Ptplot3.1 is easiest to compile with JDK 1.2.2
Sorry for leaving that information out.  The README file says ptplot3.1
and it was aquired two or three weeks ago from

<snipped part about other versions of ptplot>
> If you are still having problems, let me know what OS you are running,
> what versions of IE and Netscape Navigator you tried, what version of
> ptplot you tried, and whether you were able to reproduce the problem
> with web pages on the Ptolemy website.

IE 5.0 and Netscape 4.7.. but there is a new wrinkle.  I have replaced
the <applet> tags with <object> and <embed> tags and got a test plot to
work.  Of course this requires a plugin.  It looks like the built-in JRE
is the biggest problem.  The problem now is supporting Linux, OS/2 and
others.  Besides, the plugin requires an extra step and therefore more
potential technical support.

I have tried all the demo applets on the Ptolemy page and they all run
flawlessly.  However, in the process of expermenting with plotML I have
suceeded to again crash my (win98) system even with the <object>/<embed>
tags.  Come to think of it, the problems seem to exist only when using
plotML by referencing the dataurl parameter.  (I'm not positive though.)

I thought java was safer than this.  I have not had this much problem
with c/c++, wild pointers and all.

On the positive side, ptplot is a great package and provides all we need
and more.  Now when I get these language or platform issues resolved we
will have just what we were looking for.

Thank You,
David Koski

> --------
>     Hello,
>     Sorry if this is not the right place to post this problem.  I know of no
>     other.  I am trying to use ptplot in an applet and it freezes the
>     compouter (no mouse, etc.) with both IE and Netscape in MS Windows.
>     This happens with most systems but not all.  One computer can
>     successfully view the pages containing the applets.  I have tried
>     compiling ptplot with 1.1.8 in jbuilder 3 and still no difference.
>     david koski
> --------
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